Work it out

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*Elises point of view*

So 13 of us - We had 6 rooms, 2 with Double beds, 1 with a doube and a single and then 3 with twin beds.

The rooms were being paired off 

'Well Soph and I can take a double room' said Jack taking a key.

Alfie looked at me and I nodded 'We can take the other, we've shared since we were babies ahha' said alfie pocketing the key

'Me and chummy can have a twin' Said Louise

We had soon got it so Maz, Sam and Louis had the 3 man, Marcus and Joe shared and Finn and Casper did too. 

We all agreed to meet in the hotel for luch in half an hour and went to settle into our rooms I hate lifts so I didn't pile in with the others, I walked towards the stairs on my own when I felt a hand on my arm I turned to see Sam hadn't got the lift either

'Come on then let the big strong man take your bags up the stairs then' 

'Why thank you' I smiled as we headed up the stairs

We were on the 13th Floor so it was a bit of a trek but it was nice just chatting to Sam, it was crazy being amongst all the people I watched on my laptop in my bed, note to self tell Alfie how much you love his friends! I learn't that Maz had a girlfriend who may or may not be joining us in Cornwall, Louis was going to be driving us down, that this hotel had a pool and the restaurant was amazing and that the plan this afternoon was to rotate and film videos with everyone to upload across the year.

'Wow' I said as we reached the top of the stairs ' This youtube thing is crazy, I have watched Alf edit vidoes and its so cool'

'well how come you don't make videos'

I laughed ' I have nothing intersting to say and I have no idea what I am doing!'

'Well seeings as your going to be in loads of videos this afternoon you can learn!'

'Wait what!? Nooo I am not being in the videos I am watching!'

'You wish! You are going to become a youtube sensation' he put my bag outside my door

'see you later' he whispered and pecked me on the cheek and walked up the coridor

*Sams point of view*

This could prove to be 2 very worth whiled weeks I thought as I walked away from the Elise

Is this reality? (Youtuber fanfiction - Alfie Deyes, Jack and Finn Harries)Where stories live. Discover now