Chit chat the night away

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*Elises point of view*
Once we'd all finished eating we were wisked out of the room back to the lobby so a) our food could settle and b) they could transform the room into a dance floor. I leant on the table and giggled as Soph and Jack showed us there pre prepared dance routine, all I could say about Soph was that she wast the sweetest funniest person ever and I was so glad I had me her I just knew just like I did with  Louise and Zoe I had found best friends in these girls. 

Marcus blocked my view he smiled down at me. I grinned up at him and asked ' did you enjoy the food?' 

'perfect apsolutely perfect' exept as he said it he leant to whisper it in my ear I blushed questioning whether or not his responce was about the food or.. His cheeky wink suggsted otherwise... He leant his forehead against mine I closed my eyes I felt safe and warm and just wanted to stat in this moment when Soph and Jack hip bumped Marcus and everyone burst out laughing as he literally fell on the floor with the shock.

'Awwhhh Marcus' I called wrapping my arms round his waist he pulled close and stuck his toungue out at the others and then there was suddenly a trumpet and the curtain was once again dropped..

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Is this reality? (Youtuber fanfiction - Alfie Deyes, Jack and Finn Harries)Where stories live. Discover now