Angel With a Crossbow (Daryl Dixon Fanfiction.)

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Okay...I am aware that I'm starting this story at the very end of Season 2, but that's where I feel that's where the show was full of action. Hopefully a lot of you guys won't mind this. In this story, some things that happen between Lily and Daryl are the things that actually happened between Daryl and Carol but I changed it. Please don't hate me! Anyway, enjoy

Also, sorry about the crappy bit in bold below...I just didn't have any idea on how to start this.


When the world went to shit, I had nothing. Nobody to help me survive, no weapons. Luckily though I ran into Lori, Shane and Carl on the highway and they let me travel with them. At first I thought that they were a family but when Rick came into the picture, I realised I was wrong. Before all of this I was just Nurse Lily Richards. Nothing exciting going on in my life. Now however, my life isn't exciting. It's just terrifying. 

We had gone through so much, losing people like Amy, Jim, Sophia and Dale and just when we thought things were starting to turn around, we ended up having to do the same thing we always did.

We had to run. 


Now here were were, all of us huddled into the Greene's house waiting for news of Randall.

Everyone turned to the door when we heard it shut, everyone eager to hear whether the threat was gone or not.

"Where are Rick and Shane?" Daryl Dixon asked, pushing past Carol and I to talk to Lori, "We heard a shot."

I leant against the doorway, "Maybe they found Randall."

Glenn shook his head, "We found him. He's a walker."

Hershel moved to the centre of the room, "Did you find the walker that bit him?"

Daryl scratched the back of his neck, "That's the thing. He had his neck broke. Shane's tracks were right on top of his and Shane ain't no tracker. They were together."

Lori exhaled loudly, "Will you please just get back out there and find Rick and Shane?"

Daryl nodded, "You got it."

I followed him out, stopping as he turned to me, "Where do ya think you're goin'?"

I frowned, "Out for some fresh air. Don't worry, I 'm not going to follow you."

He grunted and continued on his way but almost instantly, he stopped again.

"Will you stop it?" I hissed as I collided with his back.

"Shh." he muttered, walking onto the porch.

I followed, gasping at the sight in front of me. "Oh my god." I whispered, gripping Daryl's shoulder tightly and for once, he didn't flinch or pull away like he normally did if I touched him.

Hershel came out and stood beside me, telling Patricia to kill the lights.

"Maybe it's just a herd passing through," said Glenn as he came up behind me, "Just like the one on the highway. Maybe we should go inside."

Daryl shook his head, "Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs I don't know about. A herd that size'll rip the house down."

I finally released the grip I had on Daryl's shoulder, murmuring a quiet sorry as Andrea dumped the bag of guns beside us.

Hershel cocked his own and I chewed on my lip, there was no way we could take them all on. We didn't have enough ammo.

"You gonna take 'em all on?" Daryl asked, obviously thinking the same as me.

The older man nodded, "We have guns. We have cars."

Andrea was digging through the bag, handing weapons to everyone except me, "Kill as many as we can, and we'll use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm."

Daryl shook his head, "Are you serious?"

Hershel nodded, "This is my farm. I'll die here."

Lori came rushing out the door as Daryl jumped off the porch, "I can't find Carl he's not upstairs." she gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded, "He's gone. I'm not leaving without my boy!"

I put my hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down, "We won't. Come on, let's go look again."

Together we ran back into the house, I ran upstairs, throwing open every door as gun shots sounded from outside and from one of the windows, I saw that the barn had been set on fire.

Cursing, I ran back downstairs, colliding with Lori. "I can't find him!" she cried, "Where is he? Why can't he just listen for once?!"

Beth turned from the window, "Maybe he started the fire."

Insert Lori freaking out. "Lori...Lori calm down! Maybe he went after Rick!"

She shook her head, What do I do?!" she then ran back outside, me following closely behind.


The amount of walkers seemed to have doubled and they were getting closer to the house.

"Lori, Lily we have to go! Now!" Carol called, hanging out of the pick-up truck.

I ran toward Lori, grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the truck.

"Hershel! Lily get Hershel!" she cried as Beth pulled her in the vehicle.

I almost reached him when a walker was suddenly in front of me, reaching for my arm.

Gasping, I managed to kick it in the stomach, slipping past it as it stumbled backwards. Looking up, I noticed that Hershel was no longer standing where he was and I took off towards the stables, cursing as I found them locked. I spun round, grabbing a small piece of wood to defend myself as the walkers crowded in on me.

Andrea jumped in front of me, shooting them all with ease.

My eyes widened as a walked reached out for her. "Andrea!" I cried as she got taken down.

With nothing else to do, I dropped my pathetic excuse for a weapon and ran for it, managing to trip over my own feet and land on a large rock and I could feel that there was a large cut under my jeans.

I had nothing.

I managed to scramble up off the ground and keep on running. I ran alongside the dirt road, praying that one of the others would drive by and help me.

The walkers were on my tail and I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun them. Tears welled in my eyes as I realised that I was probably going to get ripped to shreds and I did the only thing I felt I could do, let out a loud cry, hoping that somehow, someone would hear. I wiped the salty water from my eyes as my pace slowed to a jog. I was still ahead of them but I would have to stop soon.

They wouldn't.

I never thought I'd say this but the roar of Daryl's bike was like music to my ears. He skidded to a stop in front of me, "You gettin' on? I ain't got all day."

Crying with happiness, I limped over to him, throwing my leg over the bike.

Without letting me settle, he floored it and we went speeding away from the walkers that so nearly ended my life.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Daryl's waist, grabbing fistfuls of his jacket as if my life depended on it. Closing my eyes, I rest my forehead on the cool leather, thanful that I was alive.

I only hoped that everyone else had made it as well.

Hope you enjoooy. Vote and stuff if ya want :D xxx

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