Chapter Forty Nine.

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Over 43,000 reads! You guys are amazing! Thank you so much (I feel like I say that in every update but I just can't help it!)

Does anyone want to ask me any questions? 'Cause I'd happily answer them!

Anyway, here's the next chapter! Enjooooy!

Stacey xxx

*Lily's POV*

It soon got darker and there was still no sign of Daryl.

I was getting more and more anxious as time went on, spending most of my time by the large front window, waiting for any sign of him or his motorcycle.

"Lily, you should get some rest." Maggie said quietly from beside me.

I shook my head, "No. How can I sleep when he's out there on his own. Maggie, what if he's been bit?"

She squeezed my shoulder gently, "You know he's tough."

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?!" I suddenly exclaimed, "Maggie, I know that he's tough, but you saw how many walkers there were! Even he can't handle that! Not on his own!"

I shoved past her, climbing the stairs to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Inhaling deeply, I pressed the palms of my hands to my eyes, desperately trying to stop the tears from falling.

My emotions were getting out of control. I was angry at Rick, worried about Daryl and stressed about the fact that I was indeed pregnant during the apocalypse.

I had to find him, I had to at least know if he was alive or not.

I knew everyone else in the group would be turning in for the night, wanting to get as much sleep as they could before we figured out what our next move would be tomorrow morning.

I quickly decided to wait until everyone had gone to sleep before making my move. I'd take a car and head back to the house.


Slipping out of the bathroom, I silently crept down the stairs to the kitchen where I had left the keys to the Range Rover.

I then slipped out the front door, checking that there were no walkers wandering around before making my way over to the large car, climbing in and closing the door as quietly as I could.

Knowing that the group would hear the sound of the engine, I pulled away from the houses as soon as it was running. I was going to find him.


*Daryl's POV*

Stupid, unreliable bike. Two minutes out of those grounds, the stupid thing cut out on me and it was too dark to try and fix it.

Now I was walking along the side of the deserted road with no light and no way of telling if there was anything up ahead.

So far, nothing had come out to try and kill me but I could hear the walkers in the forest to my right.

Wiping my face with the back of my hand, I spun around in circles, attempting to decipher any of my surroundings.

I was pretty pissed at Rick and the others for leaving me behind but I understood why they did it. If I was in that position, I would have probably done the same way.

It honestly felt as if I had been walking for hours and the road seemed never ending.

My thoughts turned to Lily, praying to God that she had made it to the rendezvous point unscathed.

A loud squealing of a rusty fence to my right had me looking in that direction, seeing two walkers leaning against the corroding fence, their arms stretching out in an attempt to reach me.

"Ugly bastards." I muttered, stepping closer to them so I could get them.

I returned to the road after they were dead, wiping the blood off of my arrow using my rag and kept walking, intent on getting back to the group before morning.

My eyebrows furrowed at the sound of an approaching engine, getting ready to leap over the fence and into the woods to take cover.

A small smile made its way to my face as the familiar car came around the corner. It was a the same Range Rover that we had, which meant that someone had come back for me.

The car came to a stop a few metres in front of me, the door cracking open and a very familiar figure slipped out of the drivers side.

"Oh thank God!" Lily cried, running into my arms, "I didn't know what to think! I can't believe the others left you and...what the hell is that on your face?! Did you get scratched?!"

I shook my head, wrapping my arms around her waist as she ripped a section of her shirt off and began dabbing at the scratch, "Got it caught on a branch."

I gently pushed her hand away, sighing before burying my face into Lily's neck.

"Are you sure you're not bit?" she asked, pressing kisses to my face and she didn't give me a chance to answer as her lips landed on mine.

"What're ye' doin' here?" I asked after I pulled away softly, "I told ye' not to come back for me."

She smiled up at me, "You should know by now that I don't listen to you."

I shook my head, wrapping an arm around her shoulder to lead her back to the car, "Yeah, well yer goin' to have to start. Ye need to be more careful."

She nodded against my shoulder, "I will."

I led her to the passenger side, opening the door for her, "I'm driving."

She placed her hand on my face, leaning in to give me another kiss, "I'm glad you're okay."


We drove in silence but Lily kept a tight grip on my hand as we drove down the deserted roads.

"I can't believe they left you." she muttered, turning to look out the window.

"Don't worry 'bout it." I replied, "I understand why the did it."

"It's not okay!" she exclaimed, "You wouldn't have done that. You wouldn't have left them."

"Lily, I'm fine. Forget about it. I'm fine aren't I?"

"Yes, but what if you weren't? What if something had happened to you? What if you had gotten bit? What would I do? 'Cause let's face it, I wouldn't last five minutes on my own."

Rolling my eyes, I pulled over to the side of the road. She was rambling now and showed no signs of stopping.

"Lily, I'm goin' to say this in the nicest way I can...shut up." I said quietly, laughing a little at the appalled look on her face.

She glared at me while I tweaked her chin gently, "We'll talk when we get back."

"Do you ever think you'll be able to not worry about me?" Lily asked quietly, not looking at me. 

Starting the car again, I shrugged, "Probably not. I have every righ' to be worried. 'nd honestly, I don't think I'm gonna stop." 

She brought our linked hands up and pressed a soft kiss to my knuckle, murmuring a quiet, "I love you." 

I brought the car to a stop outside the house where we could see a faint light coming from a lantern inside. 

Walking around the car, I caught Lily's arm as she walked by me, bringing her closer to me, "I promise I will find us somewhere safe."

She leant up, bumping her nose gently against mine, "I know."

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