Chapter Fourteen.

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Short Daryl's POV but there will be a huge chunk of the next chapter in his viewpoint cause I'm gonna change it all up a bit.

- Stacey :) xx


*Lily's POV*

I don't really know how long we sat there in silence.

I'd never seen Daryl like this and it felt kind of nice knowing that he could open up to me.

As it got dark, I finally managed to coax him into getting back to the prison, reminding him that we were out in the open and an easy target.

When we returned, he went straight up to his cell, ignoring the questioning glances he received.

I was relieved to see that Michonne had made it back safely.

Rick approached me, "Michonne said Merle let her go. Where is he?"

I looked around, seeing that everyone's eyes were on us. I took a fleeting glance up to the doorway of my cell before announcing Merle's death to the group.

Rick sighed, running a hand over his tired face, "Was it the Governor?"

I shook my head, shrugging, "I don't know. When I finally caught up with Daryl, he had taken care of it."

Carol placed her hand on my shoulder, "How is he?"

This time it was me who sighed, "He's pretty upset. As you can probably tell."

She released me as Rick nodded, effectively allowing me to jog up the metal stairs to Daryl's cell.

I found him lying on his bed, staring up at the base of the top bunk. I quietly went to the bedside, sitting down on the floor with my back pressed against the bed frame.

I didn't really know what to say, having been fortunate not to lose a loved one to this world.

Daryl's hand appeared by my head, making me smile slightly.

Wordlessly, I slipped my hand into his, locking our fingers together.

He squeezed my hand tightly and I reciprocated, glad that I was being able to give him some comfort. No words were spoken and Daryl's breathing soon evened out, signalling that he had fallen asleep.

Slowly, I managed to free my hand from his and return back down to the rest of the group.

"Is he going to be okay?" Beth asked as I approached.

Smiling, I wrapped arm around her shoulder, "He will be. I think he just needs to let it all out. He's asleep just now."

She nodded, "So you think he's gonna be okay?"

I nodded in agreement, "Don't worry. By tomorrow, he'll be back to normal."


I was right. As soon as Daryl woke up the following day, he had his head back in the game.

It was the day that the Governor was going to attack and Rick decided that the majority of the group were going to stay at the prison and fight while the rest went into the surrounding woods to hide.

I was packing food into the two cars that we were going to be moving and whoever was hiding, would be driving.

Rick and Daryl approached me as I slammed the trunk shut.

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