Chapter Ten.

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*Lily's POV*

Since I'm not completely heartless, I stayed with Tyreese's small group while everyone went and done their own thing.

I made them some noodles -not much but it was all that we could spare-.

Seeing the teenagers eyes glued to the body of the young woman, I felt kind of bad about how I first reacted when they arrived. Handing him his noodles, I sat down opposite him, staring down at the silver table top. "I'm sorry about earlier," I muttered, "It's just you've got to be careful. And I'm sorry about your friend. If you'd like, you can bury her in the yard. I could show you a place...only if you'd like of course."

Sasha nodded, smiling gratefully, "Thank you." I nodded, standing back up, "Well when you're finished, come find me and I'll take you down."


I stood inside the courtyard as they buried Donna, allowing them a little privacy.

The sound of wheels on gravel made me turn my attention to the gate where Carl and Carol were patrolling.

Carl's face was pressed against the fence, eyeing the road eagerly and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as the familiar car came into sight.

They were safe.

However a frown etched on my face as only four people climbed out of the car; Rick, Glenn, Maggie and Michonne.

Where the hell was Daryl? Dread seized my body...was he dead? Did he get bitten? I shook my head, they wouldn't just leave him, even if he had been.

Rick said something to Carol and she pointed in my direction.

He started walking my way, pushing the second gate open. As he got closer, I looked for any sort of clue in his eyes, a give away maybe, but found nothing.

"Where is he?" I asked quietly, almost too scared to know the answer.

"He's safe. But we ran into Merle..." he answered.

Relief almost floored me but I froze as I took in the last sentence, "Merle? As in Merle Dixon?"

He nodded, taking a step towards me, "Lily..."

I held up a hand, "No, it's fine. I get it," I began, pulling at the skin of my lip out of nervousness, "It's his brother. Couldn't ask him to leave him twice." My voice faltered at the end and my hand fell to my side as Rick wrapped his arms around me.

He knew I held a soft spot for Daryl. Hell, everybody knew.

"He's really gone?" I asked, the question coming out of my mouth in a whimper.

He nodded sadly and started leading me back to the prison building. 


With the group reunited -except for Daryl- it was time to discuss what would happen to Tyreese's group.

I removed myself from the circle, telling everyone it was because I would put Judith down to sleep but really, it was to get away from all the looks everyone was giving me because of Daryl's leaving and I really didn't want to take part in decidding someone's fate.

Beth followed me quietly, carrying the baby.

"We're weak without Daryl." Beth stated as I lined the mail crate with blankets.

I nodded, showing my agreement, "But I also understand why Daryl chose his brother. Here."

I slid the crate towards her and she set about placing Judith in.

"You've got a real knack for that." I smiled as the baby soon quietend down.

"I've always wanted a child," she replied, "Don't see much chance of that happening now. Anyway, let's go. Looks like they've made a decision."

I followed her down the metal stairs quietly, joining the rest of the group as they filed into the cafeteria area.

Rick ignored Tyreese's offered hand as he introduced himself. Not a good sign.

"Please let us stay here," Tyreese begged, " I mean, we'll keep outta your hair, we'll scavange our own food and supplies and we'll help with any trouble. Just please, don't make us go back out there."

Rick stayed quiet, pacing back and forth. It was times like these that I wished I could read minds. Just so I could see what he was thinking.

"I'm sorry," Rick finally said, "But I just can't take any chances."

At once, everyone in our group started to protest, stating that they wanted Tyreese's group to stay.

Hershel took Rick to the side, attempting to persuade him to do the right thing. He seemed to be getting through as Rick was nodding and could probably see that what he was doing was effectively sending the small group to their deaths.

Turning, his eyes were drawn to the metal inner catwalk above me.

I stepped forward, turning to see if there was anything there. There wasn't. I eyed Rick carefully...what the hell was he staring at?

Suddenly, he drew his gun, making everyone move back.

"Get out!" he screamed seemingly at nothing. He spun around wildly, pointing his gun in the direction of Tyreese.

"Don't shoot!" the man begged as Rick yelled for them to get out again -although this time no one was really sure if it was at the small group or at what he was 'seeing'-

Glenn quickly ushered the group out of the building before Rick's sudden temper could escalate.


After Rick's outburst yesterday, Glenn had appointed himself as leader since Rick was clearly in no stable condition.

He decided that we would fortify the prison against the Governor's sure retaliation.

While everyone started putting up barricades around walkways and stuff, Hershel approached me, asking if I would keep an eye on Rick.

I went into the courtyard with Michonne to check the fences and make sure the gates were all shut.

"What is he doing?" Michonne whispered as we watched Rick rush through the gate, leaving it wide open.

She went to close it while I stayed, watching Rick as he seemed to be interacting with himself rather than with something or someone.

I turned and went to alert Hershel and Maggie who were still inside.

Back in the courtyard, I smiled seeing Carol and Axel chatting happily to one another while I put some more wooden palletes against the fence.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out and I spun around in time to see Axel fall to the ground, a bullet in his head.

As more bullets started being fired, I saw Carol tuck herself under Axel's body before I ran forward, throwing myself so that I was ducked behind one of the palletes.

I peeked through the slats, seeing serveral people brandishing guns.

The one with the eye patch seemed to be the leader.

I cursed slightly when I saw Hershel crawling through the long grass but luckily he was hidden from the view of the shooters.

"Lily!" Maggie called, throwing a large gun across the ground to me.

I picked it up and placed it in between the slats, lining up my shot when something caught my eye.

Some sort of truck was heading for the gate to the prison and everyone watched as the it crashed through both the inner an outer gates, stopping in the middle of the field.


Short I know...

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