Chapter Forty Seven.

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Since I fell behind on my updates last week, I decided to update again! Yay for double updates! :D

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

The group were slightly shocked, but supportive nonetheless. They all said that they were here for me if I needed them and offered to do so much for me. 

Glenn and Maggie offered to go out and find anything they could, Beth said she'd help me when the baby came and regardless of me telling them that the first few months were delicate and that anything could happen, they ignored me. 

It all got a little emotional for me and I started to cry. I just couldn't believe that they were all being so nice about it, although I'm sure some would be talking about how reckless and careless we had been once we had moved out of earshot. 

I retreated back upstairs shortly after announcing that I was pregnant, picking up one of the books I had found lying around. It was getting dark, but I would read until I couldn't see anymore. 

I didn't see that Cassie had followed me up until I heard her clearing her throat from the doorway. 

"Hey. Come in." I smiled, sitting on the bed and scooting backwards 'till I was against the wall. 

She sat down on the chair opposite me, smile on her face, "Are you excited?"

My lips quirked upwards and I nodded slightly, "Yes. I was a little worried at first but now, I guess you can say that I am a little excited." 

"What are you gonna call them?" she asked, leaning foward eagerly. 

I rolled my eyes, maybe it was too soon to tell people cause like I said, it was early days and the first few months were very unpredictable.

"I don't know Cass," I finally answered, "It's just a little bit too early to be thinking about that." 

She nodded a few times, her eyes suddenly lighting up, "If you have a girl, can you name her after me?" 

I smiled softly at her, "I'll have a think about it, okay?" 

"Thanks Lily!" she beamed, taking off out the room and narrowly avoided running into Daryl, to whom she spluttered an apology before taking off down the corridor probably in search of Carl.

"What's gotten her all excited?" Daryl asked, closing the door behind him.

"Nothing." I smiled, placing my forgotten book down on the floor. It was way too dark to see and the only light was coming from the moon outside the window and the lantern that Daryl was currently putting out. 

He lay down with a huff, folding his hands behind his head. 

"How do you think that went?" I asked, moving so I was sitting with my back against the headboard, "You think they're talking about us?" 

"Let 'em talk." Daryl said, turning so he was facing me, "This ain't nothin' to do wi' them. It's our baby, our choice."

Our baby. I liked the sound of that.


The next morning, I woke to Daryl's rough fingertips trailing over my stomach. 

A few minutes passed with me just watching him until he looked up at me and he quickly retracted his hand. 

"Sorry." he muttered, clearing his throat. 

I smiled softly, "It's okay. It felt nice."

"It's jus' hard to wrap my head around this," he mumbled, lifting his arm up for me to move closer to him, "I never dreamt about havin' a kid before all this. Guess 'm jus' worried tha' maybe I'll be a bad dad. Worried tha' I'll-" he stopped, making me look up at him.

"What?" I whispered, "Worried about what?"

"That I'll end up like my dad." he answered, looking into my eyes. 

I shook my head, "No. Daryl, you're nothing like your father. You...sure, you're going to struggle a little, we both are but I know that you're going to treat this child right and love them." 

Spluttering a laugh, he leant down and gave me a small kiss, "I love you, Lily."

I smiled up at him, "I love you too." 

We both sat up as Maggie burst into the room, "Guys, we got a really bad build up of walkers down by the gates overnight." 

I made a move to go help, but Daryl's hand wrapped around my wrist, "What're ye' doin'? Ye' said yerself that the first few months were delicate. Ye' can't exert yerelf too much."

Maggie stepped forward into the room, "I wouldn't ask if we weren't desperate. They just keep comin', There must be a herd of something. They must have heard Beth and Sasha." 

I looked up at Daryl, "I need to help."

He squeezed his eyes shut and sighed loudly, "All righ', but please, don't do too much." 

"Okay," I whispered, "I won't." 

Getting up, I followed Maggie out of the room, closely followed by Daryl, picking up some of the sharpest weapons we had on our way out the front door. 

As we neared the gates, I let out a quiet curse, there were walkers spread the length of the gates and they were basically piling up on one another. 

"How long have you been out here?" I asked loudly over the growling of the walkers while taking a space inbetween Carl and Maggie. 

"A while. We were making progress but then another wave came. They just keep coming!" Carl exclaimed, "I don't get why we don't just shoot them!" 

I thrust my knife through one of the walker's soft skulls, looking down at him, "You know fine well why we can't just shoot them." 

He let out small humph before he continued.

This was going to take a long time. 

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