Chapter Thirty Three.

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Okay in this chapter I use the word fringe...I don't know if that's called something different in the bangs maybe? I dunno so just in case you're confused.

Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

"Don't do that again." Daryl whispered, hugging me tightly.

I clutched at the material of his shirt, "I wasn't going to let it bite you."

He pressed his cheek against my hair as Rick came over to us, "Are you alright?"

Daryl nodded, "Yeah, thanks."

Rick sighed, "What the hell were you doing without a weapon? If we hadn't come, you'd be as good as dead."

I tightened my grip on Daryl's shirt, not being able to bear thinking about it as Daryl's hand tightend on my waist, "I know. I didn't think."

Rick shook his head and stormed back inside.

As everyone passed us, they all gave Daryl strange looks, it was as if they couldn't believe he had been so careless in his actions.

Feeling his body tense beside me, I quickly made him look down at me. "Ignore them," I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek, "Are you sure you're okay?"

He pullled away from me suddenly, taking a glance at Nick who was still standing by the closed gate, watching us carefully, "'m fine."

Before I could stop him, he walked away, leaving me confused at his sudden change of mood.

"What the hell is his problem?" Nick asked, moving so he was standing behind me.

"I don't know," I muttered, "But I'm going to find out." I followed Daryl around to the back of the house, where he had chosen that spot to carve arrows.

He was sitting on a stump, doing exactly that.

"Daryl?" I asked quietly, making him stop momentarily, "Are you okay?"

He muttered something that I couldn't hear, so I sat down on the grass beside the stump.

"I said go away." he muttered. Oh, so that's what he said.

I shook my head, "No. Not until you tell me what your problem is."

He stood up and turned, coming over to me so he was looking down at me. "I said leave me alone Why don't ye' go hang out with Nick?" he sneered, glaring down at me.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked down just slightly, "What're you on about?" 

When I looked back up, I saw that he was not glaring at me anymore, but at something over my shoulder.

Turning, I saw it was Nick.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, making him turn to me again, "Are you jealous?"

His hands that were now at his sides curled into fists before he stormed off again.

"Unbelievable," I hissed, turning in the opposite direction and also storming off. "Jerk." I muttered as choose to take the longer route back round to the front door. Tucked away in a corner, there was a large pile of wood palletes.

There was a loud crash as I pushed the palletes over before I started kicking it, sending pieces of wood flying everywhere. Each kick that I gave the wood, I felt my anger towards the group, towards Daryl, fading slightly. Giving the last wooden a hard kick, I slid down the wall, ignoring the little stones that were digging into my back.

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