Chapter Fifty Four.

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Over 77,000 reads! Eeeep! You guys are honestly the best! Thank you so much!

I'm sorry if this chapter seems a little rushed...I was in a hurry and I will go back and edit it!

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

It was bad...really bad. Hershel's health had continued to deteriorate over the course of the two weeks that had passed and honestly, I was surprised that he had managed to hold on as long as he had. 

Lily had done her best, trying her hardest to help him, but since he wouldn't allow her to go into the room, it was hard. There was only so much that she could do from outside. 

The two of us were stood outside the room again while Maggie and Beth were in the room with their father. She was chewing on her bottom lip, something she always done when nervous.

"Hey," I murmued, gently catching her chin, "Stop it. Yer not goin' to have any skin on yer lip left if ye' came doin' tha'." 

"I can't help it," she replied, "I feel so helpless. If he'd just let me go in..." 

"I know ye' do. Lily, he doesn't want ye' goin' in there jus' in case ye' catch whatever he has. Yer at risk." she went to walk around me but I caught her arm gently, "You've done everythin' ye' can." 

"I haven't," she whispered, "I could do so much more if I could go in. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to get him some more medicine." 

This time I let her go but before she could turn the corner, Maggie came out the room, calling her name. 

"Don't get him anything." she said quietly, "He says he doesn't want us wasting anymore medicine on a dying man." 

"He doesn't know that!" Lily exploded, "He could still get better!" 

Maggie shook her head, "No. Lily, he's not going to. I want to believe it but I can't. I can't keep thinking like that. It's better to expect it now." 

Scoffing, Lily turned away from us, "Fine. I'll be upstairs if you need me." 

When she disappeared, I turned to Maggie, "Ye really don't think he's goin' to get better?"

She shook her head, "I know it. Last night, he spoke to me once Beth had gone to sleep. He says he can't take it anymore, Daryl. Every time he moves he's in pain, he's coughing up blood and...Beth shouldn't see him like that." 

"Neither should you." I murmured, taking a step forward, I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Nobody should see their parents like tha'." 

She gave me a small smile before returning to the room Hershel was in, leaving me to lean against the wall and sigh deeply. 


We were all sat around the table in the kitchen, talking about Hershel. Well, everyone except Lily and Cassie. They were still upstairs. 

"Lily wants to continue giving him medicine." Maggie said, glancing at me, "But my dad says not to bother." 

"We have to keep trying!" Beth cried, "Lily said he could still get better!"

"But your dad doesn't want us using anything on him." Rick stated, "And that's his choice." 

From upstairs, I heard rapid footsteps and then suddenly, Cassie's voice, "Daryl! Daryl come quickly!" 

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