Chapter Forty.

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Hellloooo! Over 17,000 reads! Oh maa gaawd! You guys are amazing!

Here's the next chapter! (Please keep in mind that I am horrible at writing 'intimate' scenes and I'm sorry if its not very good and if you don't like reading things like that, you can skip past it!)

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

I lay awake way into the early hours of the morning. For some reason, I couldn't sleep.

Lily was slumbering beside me, her forehead resting against my shoulder and her hand was clasping mine tightly. 

Letting out another sigh, I my eyes trailed over her, smiling at the way her hair always seems to fan out around her and the way her face was free of all the stress and worry of the outside world. 

The skin under her eyes was now reddening due to the injury that was inflicted upon her earlier. 

I rose my hand, gently stroking the affected area, which caused her to stir, her eyes fluttering open. 

"Sorry," I whispered, "Didn't think that would wake ye'." 

She shook her head, "Don't worry about it. Why are you still awake? Are you okay?" 

I laughed slightly, "'m fine. Go back to sleep." 

She shook her head, "No, no. I'll stay awake with you." 

I rolled my eyes but didn't argue, knowing that she wouldn't back down. Instead, I moved onto my side so I was facing her and rest my head on my arm. 

"You need a haircut." she murmured, reaching out to push a few strands from my face. 

"What's wi' ye' and haircuts?" I asked, smile tugging at my lips.

She shrugged, "I dunno. I find it...relaxes me." she looked at me again and let out a small laugh. 

I shook my head, "Yer nuts. Besides, what's wrong wi' my hair?"

She sat up and brushed more of my hair from my face, ignoring my attempts of swatting her away, "I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. Don't you think it's too long...?" she trailed off, biting her lower lip, "Although," she slid closer to me, "I do like having something to grab on to." 

As if to prove her point, she slid her hand into my hair, twirling it around her fingers before gently tugging, making my breathing deepen. 

"Yeah," she breathed, face inching ever closer to mine, "Maybe just keep it like this..." 


*Lily's POV*

"What're ye' doin'?" Daryl asked as I placed gentle kisses to his jaw.

Instead of anwering, I pressed my lips against his. 

Letting out a groan, he gripped my waist and rolled us over so he was on top as I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, where my soft kisses soon tranpired into marks of passion, marking his skin as my lips sucked at the skin at the base of his neck. 

A sharply inhaled breath followed by a rough grunt as Daryl responded by gripping my waist tighter. 

My fingers worked hurridly to unbutton the flannel shirt he was wearing, my hands palming at his exposed stomach and chest, all tanned and muscled...and I was unable to stop myself as I raked my fingernails down the length of his torso, which left a few raised lines. 

Daryl cursed through clenched teeth as he pulled me up into a sitting position, helping me rid myself of the flimsy tank top I was wearing and he wasted no time in pulling down the leggings I was wearing too. 

I tugged at the waistband of his jeans, "Take them off?" 

I watched in slight amusement as he fumbled with the button before managing to tug down his jeans and boxers.

As he came to kneel over me, our mouths met in a heated kiss, one of my arms drifting up to secure around his neck and using my free hand, I boldly took hold of him, pumping at his length. 

Daryl's hot breath puffed out in pants, his head falling into the curve where my neck met my shoulder. 

"Ye' ready?" he mumbled in my ear, positioning himself back between my legs. 

I nodded, pressing numerous kisses to his cheek as I lift my left leg, bringing it to rest and curve around his back, letting out a moan as he pressed into me. 

Soon, the only sound of our breathing was the only thing that carried through the room as we both struggled to keep our noises to a minimum.

Unconsciously, I wrapped my other leg around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of me. 

He hovered over me, his eyes finding mine as he bit down roughly on his bottom lip. 

"Harder." I whimpered quietly, using my fingers that were tangled in his hair to bring his face to mine so I could connect our lips.

I felt Daryl's hands travel down to my hips, gripping them tightly.

My whimpers grew louder every time I felt him leave me, only to enter harder than before. I let out a gasp as I felt myself tighten around him, making him let out whimpers of his own. 

"Not yet." he whispered inbetween moans but I couldn't hold on any longer as I gripped around him tighter. 

My breath caught in my chest and I arched my body up towards his. 

His nails dug deeper into my skin as I felt his body tremble before he came crashing down on top of me. 

I lay underneath him, light headed, running my fingers through his hair as he propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at me. 

"Tired yet?" I giggled as he gently stroked my face with his thumb. 

Nodding, he rolled off to the side, keeping an arm secured around my waist, "Plenty tired now." 


When I awoke the second time, Daryl was still sleeping and the sun was coming through the curtains, hitting me directly in the eye. I turned on my side, looking up at Daryl's sleeping face. 

I may sound like a little bit of  a freak, but I enjoyed watching him sleep. The only thing was that any little noise woke him up...although I think that was pretty much the same for everyone nowadays.

Last wasn't supposed to happen like that. I came across as some hormanal mess but I'm a woman! I have needs! As I looked down at Daryl again, I realised how much I actually cared for this man. Even going as far as to risk my own life. 

"I think I love you." I suddenly whispered, slapping my hand over my mouth as soon as I had said it. 

My chest suddenly got a lot tighter, a sheen of sweat appearing on my forehead as my whole body began to shake. I quickly jumped out of the bed, rushing over to the bedroom as I got an overwhelming sense of nausea. I ran into the nearest bathroom and slammed the door shut, leaning up against it as my breathing started returning to normal. I slowly slid down the lenght of the door, bringing my knees up as I reached the ground.

"Oh my God..." I whispered, trying to blink away the sudden emotions that blurred my vision, "I'm in love with Daryl Dixon."

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