Chapter Fifty.

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Over 49,000 views! sfhweihgu! Thank you so much! 

This chapter is a little boring if I'm honest and just a filter...

Hope you guys enjoy it though!

- Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

The next morning,we were all sat around the table in the kitchen, waiting for Rick to come down so we could discuss where we should go next. 

Sighing tiredly, I rest my head on the cool wood, closing my eyes and attempting to shut out the quiet chatter of anyone else. 

The chatter subsided suddenly, making me look up just as Rick entered the room. He grabbed a bottle of water before making his way over to all of us. 

"You shouldn't have went out there on your own last night." he stated, spreading the map he was holding out on the table, looking at me. 

"She shouldn't have went at all." Daryl said from behind me as he placed a bowl of something in front of me, "I would'a found y'all jus' fine." 

Sighing, I threw my head back and let out a groan, "Yes, all right. We've established the fact that I made a mistake. I'm sorry, okay? I won't do it again." 

"Damn right ye' won't." Daryl muttered, falling down into the seat beside me. 

"Anybody got any ideas where to head next?" Rick asked, looking at everyone around the room.

I ran my hand through my wild hair, "The coast. We've been saying that would be our best shot for months but we found the prison and then that house. I honestly think we should go there."

Glenn was nodding as I was speaking, "She's right. We say we're going there and then we get distracted. I say we go and we don't stop until we get there." 

"If we do that then we're goin' to have to go back the way we came. We risk runnin' into that herd again." Daryl informed us, "But it looks like it's our only option." 

"We could go back to the prison..." Beth said quietly, "Maybe all of the walkers have moved on." 

"That's too much of a risk." Hershel said sadly, squeezing her hand. 

"Okay then. Get your things together. We leave as soon as possible."


I was in the room that Daryl and I slept in last night, scanning the large bookcase for anything that might keep me occupied on the journey to the coast.

Obviously whoever had been living here before the outbreak had been expecting or knew someone who was as there were a large selection of baby and pregnancy books, which was a benefit for me. 

"Whatcha doin'?" Daryl asked from behind me and I turned to see him leaning against the door frame.

"Just looking." I smiled as he pushed away from the frame and made his way over to me, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as he started looking at the books too. 

"Ye' should take some of these." he said quietly, picking up one of the books from the bookcase.

"I was thinking that. But there's so many. I don't want to carry them all around..." I murmured, rubbing my face with my hand. 

I was so tired, even after we returned last night and Daryl was safe, I didn't sleep at all. 

"Yer goin' to get some rest in the car." he said quietly, taking notice of the dark circles under my eyes. 

Without warning, a few tears leaked from my eyes and I quickly buried my face into his shirt, not wanting him to see me cry.

Of course, Daryl wasn't stupid and he hesitated slightly but wrapped his arms around me, his lips pressing to my hair, "What's the matter?" 

"I don't know!" I cried, laughing slightly as I wiped the tears away, "I think it's just my hormones." 

He moved away from me, taking the book I was holding with him and he sat down on the bed, flipping through it, "Damn, it's a lot to learn." 

I sat beside him, looking down at the book too, "Do you think I can do it?"

"We." he muttered, looking ip from the book, "We can do it. Yer not doin' this alone. I told ye' that 'nd I'm gonna stick to my word." I pushed some of his hair from his face and leant in, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you." I whispered, wrapping my arm around his and resting my head on his shoulder. 

From downstairs, we heard Carl and Cassie calling our names, alerting us that it was time to go. 

I stood again, wincing at the small ache that was in my back and picked up my backpack, returning to the bookshelf to take some of the books. 

Daryl came up behind me again and took the bag from me, holding it open for me to drop the books into it. 


"I call shotgun!" Cassie exclaimed, dropping her bag beside Beth and I before taking off towards the large vehicle that we'd be riding in. 

"Don't get why she's excited," Daryl muttered, coming up behind us and picking up the bag she dropped, "This ain't no road trip." 

I shrugged, nudging his shoulder, "She's just a kid, remember?" 

He mumbled something under his breath, pulling the trunk of the car open. He dumped the few bags he was carrying in before slipping mine off my shoulders. 

"Give me your crossbow?" I asked, smiling at the confused look that came across his face, "I'll take it in the back with us."

As he handed it to me, I had forgotten how heavy the stupid thing was. I was impressed at how easily Daryl used it. The way he handled it made it seem weightless. 

Watching me, he smirked at the face that I was struggling before taking it off of me before I injured myself and threw it into the back seat. 

"I had it." I mumbled, climbing in beside Beth. 

"Sure ye' did." he said, closing the door. 

Cassie was sat in the front seat, rummaging through the glove compartment. On her lap, there was a bunch of CDs and she was in the process of pulling out a large bar of chocolate. 

"Jackpot." she mumbled, ripping it open and breaking a chunk off. 

I smiled as she wordlessly held the bar out to Daryl who shook his head, "Keep it." 

"No," she protested, "I want to share it with all of you." 

Daryl shrugged, "I don't want any, Cass. Share it between the three of ye'."

He started the engine, waiting for Glenn to pull out in front of us then we followed. 

I pulled the pillow I had brought from the house and propped it up against the window, closing my eyes to get a little shut eye before it was my turn to drive. 

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