Chapter Five.

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Hope you guys enjoy...a few comments would be nice to let me know if you like it...but you know, you don't have to...


Two days later, everything was calm again since Rick took the decision to kill the leader of the prisoners. The only two remaining were Oscar and Axel but they were being locked outside, since Rick still saw them as some sort of a threat to the rest of the group.

Hershel was also ready to take his first steps since the accident.

Beth and Lori were assisting him on either side, keeping a hand on each of his crutches while I stood in front of him, ready to catch him if he fell.

He took a few steps then stopped, "Let's take a walk."

Pushing the door to the courtyard open, I shielded my eyes against the bright rays of the sun. I hadn't been outside since we arrived and the heat felt nice on my pale shoulders.

"Okay just take it slow." I murmured as we came to the steps. I pressed my hand against his chest as he hopped down each step.

As we reached the bottom, I removed my hand, shielding my eyes again as I looked across the courtyard, seeing Glenn, Daryl and Rick fixing the fence that we had to cut to get in.

Daryl saw me looking and sent a small smile my way, making me bite my own lip and look down at the ground as I felt my cheeks grow warm.

Sadly our celebrations were short lived as Carl noticed a large horde of walkers entering the courtyard.

With nearly all of our man power on the other side of the fence, we were significantly outnumbered.

I pulled out my small handgun and began shooting at them. "How the hell did they get in here?!" I yelled, sending a bullet towards a walkers who was getting close to Hershel and Beth.

I covered them as they managed to get into a small enclosure, slamming it shut.

"Lily! Over here!" I turned to see Carl holding the gate that we had came out from open. He covered me as I managed to run in, slamming the gate behind me.

We managed to get down into the underground area of the prison, an area which only Maggie had been through before.

I covered my ears as a loud siren rung out across the prison. "What the hell is going on?" I yelled as Maggie waved a hand, indicating for us to follow her.

Carl then took the lead, gun at the ready.

Lori stopped suddenly, bracing herself against the wall.

"Mom?" Carl asked, rushing to her side, "Mom, what's wrong?"

She gasped suddenly, making the three of us jump, "The baby. I think it's coming!"

Maggie grabbed one of her arms while I grabbed the other, securing it around my neck, "We need to keep moving. Carl, lead the way."

We kept moving along the dark and dingy tunnels, stopping every few minutes when Lori had a contraction.

"Walkers!" Carl hissed, turning to pull a heavy door open, "Get in!"

We helped Lori through and he shut the door quietly behind us.

"Down here." Maggie whispered, leading us down metal steps where we found ourselves trapped in a boiler room.


"Lori you need to lie down." I said quietly as we all watched her pace back and forth.

She shook her head, breathing heavily, "No. This is better."

Biting my lip I turned to Maggie, "At least let us take your pants off." She reasoned.

Lori nodded and lay down, allowing Maggie and I to take her jeans off.

Once we managed to yank them down her legs, we helped her stand up again.

She grabbed onto a chain that was hanging down from the ceiling, "I need to push."

I quickly situated myself so that I could catch the baby when it came out wincing as Lori let out a low cry of pain and my hands were soon coated in a warm and sticky substance. Blood.

"Lori wait there's something wrong." Maggie said from beside me, "We need to lay her down."

I nodded and together we managed to get her back onto the cold ground.

"You're going to have to do a C-section on me." Lori said quietly so Carl couldn't hear her.

I shook my head, "Lori I'm just a nurse. I don't have the right training for that!"

She held up a hand, "Please Lily."

I looked over at Maggie who had moved closer, "We don't have any anaesthetic. You won't survive."

Lori nodded, "I know, but my baby has to," she turned to Carl, "Come here baby."

I moved back so they could have a moment together.

Carl came over to me and wordlessly handed me his pocket knife.

Kneeling down where I was previously, I gripped the small knife in my hand tighter.

"You see that scar?" Lori asked, "That's from my previous c-section. You can cut along there."

I raised my shaky hand and pressed the blade against her scar. Tears streamed from my eyes as I realised what I was about to do. "I don't think I can do this." I whispered.

Maggie placed her hand over mine and together, we pressed down.


*Daryl's POV*

The walkers were dead, Carol and T-Dog were gone and now Rick was worrying about his family.

I saw Maggie and Lily disappear into the cell block behind Lori and Carl and I could only hope that they had managed to get somewhere safe.

"We have to find the others." Rick instructed.

I nodded, looking towards Hershel and Beth, "You have any idea what way they went?"

A soft cry made everyone freeze and turn. Maggie came out of the cell block entrance, carrying a small bundle in her arms.

Lily came out behind her, pale and bloody.

Slowly, Carl emerged, no expression on his face.

I watched as Lily looked down at her hands before furiously scrubbing at her arms in a desperate attempt to rid her skin of the blood, frustrated noises coming from her mouth.

I slowly made my way over to her, pulling a spare rag from my pocket as I reached her and took her hand. Gently, I began wiping the blood from her hands and arms.

"W-w didn't want to," she stuttered, looking up at me, "She begged us to."

Nodding, I let her grip my hand as she led me over to where Hershel was cradling the small bundle in his arms. 

"How is she?" she whispered, still gripping my hand tightly.

I looked over Hershel's shoulder, down at the little baby girl in his arms as he spoke, "The good news is she's healthy but she's going to need formula or she won't survive."

I shook my head, detaching my hand from hers, "No way. We ain't gonna lose her. I'm going on a run."

Maggie grabbed my arm, "I'll back you up."

Nodding, I ran over to start my bike." Soon she was on my bike behind me and we were being let out of the courtyard.

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