Chapter Forty One.

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Here's the next chapter guys! I'm sorry that Daryl's POV is so short but I will hopefully make up for it in the next couple of chapters!

Stacey xxx


I sat on the bathroom floor for a good part of the morning, my mind going into overdrive.

It wasn't safe to love anymore. Always terrified if what could happen, terrified of having that person being ripped away from you and I was no different. I was terrified at the thought of losing Daryl. Being completely honest, he was my protector and I wouldn't last five minutes in this world without him.

When I finally emerged downstairs, I got a small plate of food from Sasha before sitting at the table across from Daryl.

"There ye' are. Was wondering where ye'd got te'." Daryl muttered, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh, I went for a walk. Woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep." I lied quietly, "Guess I was gone longer than I thought."

"Where?" he asked, "I checked outside. Ye' weren't out there."

I shook my head, "I just walked around. No biggie."

When I looked up at him, he didn't look convinced, but thankfuly he didn't press the matter any further.

I picked at my food for a little bit but felt like I had no appetite, I pushed the bowl over towards Cassie, putting my head in my hands.

This was a mistake coming down here. I couldn't even look at him for Christ sake.

"Lily? Are you okay?" Beth asked softly and I inhaled deeply through my nose in an attempt to keep myself from snapping at her.

Definitely a bad idea to come down. People could clearly see there was something wrong and they'd be asking questions.

"Lily?" this time it was Maggie who spoke and I felt her hand touch my shoulder.

"I'm fine!" I finally snapped, standing up so suddenly that the chair I was sat on flew backwards then I finally left the small eating area.

I heard the legs of another chair scrape across the linoleum flooring, heavy footsteps following behind me which meant it was most likely Daryl.

"Lily! Hey, wait," he caught my arm, tugging me around to face him, "What the hell was tha'? Maggie was only askin' if ye were okay."

I pulled my arm free, pushing my hair away from my eyes, "I know. I didn't mean it. I...I just gotta be alone for a while. Got some things I need t-"

He frowned, "What stuff?"

I quickly shook my head, "No. I gotta do this by myself. Without you."

He looked as confused as I felt.

"If ye' tell me what's up, maybe I can help ye'." he said, taking a step closer to me.

"I don't need your help!" I yelled, much louder -and much more bitter- than I expected and instantly felt guilty as a flicker of hurt flashed across Daryl's features.

"Alrigh' then. Guess I'll...guess I'll leave ye' te' it." he mumbled, turning his back to me and walking away.

"Daryl..." I said quietly but he didn't turn and let out a groan, kicking a concrete pillar, instantly regretting it as pain shot up my left foot.

I didn't mean to say it like that. I didn't mean to say it all actually but all I did know, was that I needed some time.


*Daryl's POV*

"Damn woman." I muttered, turning the corner so Lily couldn't see me. What the hell was her problem? She was fine last night. More than fine actually. I ran a hand over my tired face as I entered the room where everyone else was sitting silently.

"Is she okay?" Maggie asked quietly.

I shrugged, "I don't know what could be wrong wi' her."

Maggie and Beth stood up, "We'll go talk to her."

Again I shrugged, "Okay, but she's pretty pissed. Watch she don't bite yer head off."

I tried to make light of the situation but that fell flat on its face.

After they left, I picked up my crossbow and looked around for Cassie, finding her sitting beside Carl, chatting amongst themselves.

"Is Lily okay?" she asked quietly as I reached the two of them.

I scratched the back of my head, "Yeh, she'll be fine." then I quickly changed the subject, "I'm goin' out to check the traps we set. Ye' wanna come wi' me?"

She nodded eagerly, looked over at Carl and then back at me, "Can Carl come?"

I didn't want to look after the both of them. Besides, the two of them together was a bad idea. They were a toxic combination.

Carl loved to show off in front of the young girl and if there was a chance, he'd take it.

Cassie wasn't much better. She was always encouraging him to do it.

"I dunno Cass..." I answered, looking down at her.

"Oh please Daryl!" she whined, dragging out the word, "We haven't been out in ages!"

Sighing, I nodded, "Fine."

Cassie grinend up at me as the two of them stood up to follow me.


*Lily's POV*

"You have to promise that you won't tell Daryl." I said quietly, looking out the window to see Daryl returning into the yard followed by Carl and Cassie, all three of them carrying at least one squirrel each.

I turned to the two girls, "I need to tell him, I know that. Just give me some time to figure out how and when."

The two of them smiled at me before leaving.

I fell back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. How was I going to do this? I couldn't exactly just go up to him and tell him. That'd be rich, "Hey Daryl, I've realised that I am in love with you."

I rubbed my face, shooting up into a sitting position as the door flew open, Daryl storming in.

Well fuck.

He didn't say anything, which scared me. All he did was sit down calmly at the desk in the room, his blue eyes locked on me.

"Uh...hi." I offered lamely, smiling just a little.

"I spoke te' Maggie." he sad quietly.

I froze and he sure as hell noticed.

"Asked if she figured out what was wrong wi' ye'. Do ye' know what she told me?" he asked, standing up quietly.

I shook my head, "N-no."

He laughed bitterly, "She told me it was a secret. Tha' ye' told her not to tell me."

I nodded, "That's true."

There was no point in lying to him. He knew that I almost always bit my lip when I lied.

I stood up, "I'm sorry. Maybe I should just...let you calm down or something."

I couldn't be in the room for much longer, knowing that I would end up letting him know how I feel and I just wasn't ready for that.

As I went for the door, he gripped my wrist tightly, spinning me around and pushing me against the wood.

"Naw. We're goin' te' talk about this. Ye'll tell Maggie 'nd Beth but ye' won't tell me? I've told ye' things I ain't never told anyone else." he growled, hands clenching into fists either side of my head, "I thought ye' said that ye' could tell me anythin'."

"But I can't tell you this!" I cried, pushing against his chest in an attempt to get him to back up.

My eyes clamped shut as he hit the door with his fist.

"Why not?" he demanded, "What're ye' scared of?"

"I'm scared of how you'll react!"

"React to what? Jus' tell me!"

"I'm in love with you!" the words tumbled from my lips before I had a chance to think about the reaction they would cause.

Daryl stared down at me, wide eyed and his mouth opened to say something but nothing came out.

My bottom lip trembled as the silence became too much for me to bear and my hand blindly searched for the doorknob.

"I-I have to go." I stuttered, fleeing into the hallway as I attempted to swallow the lump in my throat.

My feet rushed clumsily down the stairs and I walked quickly past Cassie, who gave me a worried look before I rushed to the door at the back of the large house, fumbling with the chain we always kept latched that finally allowed me to escape.

I barely made it off the bottom porch step before I broke down into uncontrollable sobs, leaning against the side of the house.

What the hell did I just do? I confessed my feelings to Daryl than fled. That's what I done.

The door beside me suddenly opened, bringing my attention back to the present.

Daryl came rushing out, stopping when he saw me.

I quickly wiped away at the evidence of my breakdown, glancing up at the porch to see him decending the steps towards me.

"Lily," Daryl said quietly, taking a step towards me.

I stepped back, not wanting to hear his excuses. His rejections.

Forcing my legs to cooperate, my feet quickly carrying me around the side of the house.

"Lily!" Daryl yelled, "Lily, wait!"

I didn't wait. I kept running. Running down the long driveway to the small shack that was used when people were on lookout at the gates, slamming the door shut behind me as another fresh round of tears began.

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