Chapter Twenty.

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Sorry about the wait guys...hope you enjoooooooy

-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

Over the next few weeks, Daryl had taught me how to shoot nearly every day and I was actually getting pretty good. For the first time, I was being able to take part in a run.

I had brought it up many times at dinner and now thanks to Daryl, the rest of the group were finally happy for me to go.

As for the Woodbury people...nearly all of them had decided to leave the safety of the prison, deciding to try their chances outside of the protective fencing. This meant that we were almost back to our original group.

The night before we were set to head out, Rick gathered Glenn, Michonne, Daryl and I around one of the tables, a large map spread out before us. "There's a gas station and a small convenience store about ten miles up the road. Daryl and I passed it one day," Rick explained, laughing slightly, "I can't believe we didn't think to check it out. It looks like it hasn't been touched."

We all noddded and went to bed. I fell asleep especially fast, wanting to be well rested for the trip out. 

*Daryl's POV*

"Yer ridin' with me." I informed, leading Lily towards my bike.

She let out a happy squeal, "Can I drive it?"

I laughed lightly, "No."

She pouted, but climbed on anyway shivering at the slight breeze that was blowing through. It was only going to get worse when we got going.

I shrugged out of my jacket and vest, "Hold your arms out."

She looked confused but did as I said, smiling when she felt me slip the jacket over her slim shoulders.

I climbed onto the bike and Lily automatically wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head on my shoulder.

With Rick's signal, we headed out of the prison, Carol shutting the gate behind us.

As we tore down the highway, Lily's grip on me tightened when we passes a small cluster of walkers. I quickly turned my head to the side and kissed her hair before turning my attention back to the road.

In the short distance, we could see the small gas station and our vehicles sped up slightly and when we pulled up, there were several cars in the parking lot but they had been there when Rick and I had passed before.

Lily climbed off as we stopped, shielding her eyes against the sun as we looked the way we just came. "They're heading this way..."  she muttered, glancing up at me.

Rick appeared beside us, "There's only a few. We should be fine."

I squeezed her shoulder lightly, nodding in agreement with Rick.

I knew she was nervous. She hadn't been practising on actual walkers much but when we had, she managed to take down every one.

"Guys, we're in!" Glenn called from the door to the gas station.

I went over to him, "Lily and I will go check out the convienience store. If ye' need help, give a shout."

Glenn nodded and he, Rick and Michonne slipped in, closing the door behind them.

"Lily!" I said loudly, catching her attention, "C'mon, we're checking out the store."

She quickly made her way over to me, looking around as I began kicking the door in. It flew open after a few hard kicks. I shone my flashlight around, seeing no signs of amy threats and beakoned her in. I handed her a rucksack, "It'd be better if we split up. Fill it with anything you can."

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