Chapter Two.

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Since it's a new story, I decided to upload again. Enjooooooy! :D

Daryl pulled up onto the highway where we had left supplies for Sophia behind Glenn and Maggie.

Using his shoulders as leverage, I managed to lift my injured leg off the ground and dismount the bike.

Rick done this weird man hand shake with Daryl and sent a smile my way as I quickly threw my arms around Glenn and Maggie, "Thank god you're alright!"

Glenn took a look down at my jeans, jumping back at the sight of the blood on my jeans, "Are you bit?!"

I quickly shook my head as everyone else who was here so far turned to look at me, "No! I cut my leg on a rock! Why would I even come back if I was bitten?"

Daryl came over, carrying a first aid kit from Rick's car.

"C'mon." he muttered, offering me his shoulder to lean on.

A warm feeling spread over my body as he placed his hand on my waist, leading me to the car Glenn was driving.

He opened one of the back doors and helped me up, placing the first aid kit on my lap and I watched quietly as he took a clean rag and poured hydrogen peroxide onto it.

"How many times is that I've saved your life now Richards?" he asked, looking up at me with the tiniest smile on his face.

I gasped as he dabbed on and around my wound, "Twice?"

He let out a small laugh and shook his head, "Three times."

My mouth formed an 'O' shape as I realised he was right. That night when camp got attacked and we lost Amy. When the CDC blew up, I managed to trip over my own feet, landing awkwardly on my ankle. Daryl was the only one who noticed me fall and came back to help me. And now here we are, he had come to my rescue once again.

Daryl had always been pleasant to me. He'd never snapped or shouted at me like he had done with the others in the group. To be honest, I think it was because I never bothered him like everyone else. I always left him to do his own things,

"Thank you." I whispered as he wrapped a bandage around my leg.

He gave me a small nod before packing up the first aid kit, "No problem. Just don't let it happen again." 

After we had all had our quick reunion, we realised that we had lost a few people. Jimmy, Patricia and Andrea.

"What happened to her?" Daryl asked.

"S-she came to help me," I stuttered, "A walker came up behind her and took her down."

I looked away, trying to avoid their gazes as guilt washed over me. If she hadn't come back for me, she'd stilll be here.

I walked away from the group -not too far as I didn't want to get attacked- and leant against Rick's car. Not going to lie, I felt as if it should have been me that died, not Andrea. She was useful to the group. I wasn't. I couldn't even shoot a damn gun properly without something happening to myself or someone else.

An upraor from Daryl caused me to return the group.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Glenn turned to me, "Rick's just informed us that we're all infected. So we're all going to come back as walkers no matter what."

I looked down at my feet, then back up at Rick, "How do you know that?"

He cleared his throat, "Jenner told me at the CDC."

Daryl started yelling again, "You've known this long?! Why the hell didn't you say anythin'?!"

Ignoring him, Rick walked off, Lori following. 

After Rick's confession, the rest of group's trust in Rick seemed to be decreasing except from Daryl and Hershel who, despite everything, still trusted Rick's judgement.

Darkness fell quickly and Carl and I were attempting to play a game of cards.

A noise echoing in the distance made Carl jump up, "What was that?"

I stood up, standing on my tiptoes -not that it helped in any way-

"I don't know...shouldn't someone go and check it out?" Daryl asked.

Rick shook his head and Carol looked at him as if he was insane, "Do something!"

That's when Rick snapped, saying that he never asked that he be put in charge and then he blurted out that he killed Shane for our sake.

He spun round, glaring at all of us, "I dare any of you to even try and leave the safety of this group."

Everyone took a glace at one another but nobody actually stood up and left.

Satisfied, Rick issued a final warning, "If you're staying, this isn't a democracy anymore."

That was his final word on the matter. He had now established himself as leader and nobody was going to argue with him. 

I know it's shorter but I'll upload again tomorrooooow!

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