Chapter Twenty One.

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Note; this chapter is really short. So short that I'm alomost ashamed to putting the damn thing up. But, I was bored and thought I'd just whip up a little bit of writing. I will TRY and update tomorrow but don't hold me to it.

-Stacey xxx


*Daryl's POV*

All I really remember before blacking out was Rick and Glenn practically carrying me back to the prison. In my hazy vision, I could just make out Lily's worried face before I blacked out.

When I came to, the first thing I saw was again Lily's worried face.

When she saw that I was awake, she let out a loud sigh, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead, "Thank god."

I let out a small laugh, "Didn't think I'd die on ye, did ye?"

She sighed again and I swore I saw a tear slide down her face, "You've been out for almost two days...We didn't know if you were going to waken."

I hated seeing her upset so I quickly tried to sit up, ignoring the pain that seared up my right shoulder.

"No, no," she murmured, gently pushing me back down, "You stay down there."

Since I couldn't sit up to comfort her, I settled on taking her hand, lacing my fingers through hers, "Why do I always get shot?"

Smiling slightly, she sat down on the edge of the bed, "I was really scared Daryl...I thought that maybe one of us would have to..."

I squeezed her hand, "Hey now...I'm okay. Stop with all this talk."

She nodded, wiping away the tear I had seen, placing her hand on my face afterwards, "I'm going to go tell Rick you're awake."

I nodded, allowing her to take her hand away from my face, leaving a cold feeling behind. I closed my eyes again, allowing my face to sink into the somewhat soft pillow.

I must have dozed off again and when I woke this time, I was alone and found myself handcuffed to the bed.

"Oh come on." I muttered, rattling the restraint against the metal. "Lily! Rick!" I yelled, trying to get someone's attention.

Rick came rushing in, quickly followed by Lily.

"I told you there was no need to cuff him." she muttered, yanking the key from Rick's hand.

He looked down at me apologetically, "Sorry. But it was touch and go before you woke. We had to take precautions."

I nodded in understanding, knowing that he had to do what was best for the group, "Well I ain't dying. So can you uncuff me?"

He gave Lily a nod and she grinned, unlocking the cuffs.

When she removed the one on my wrist, I sat up while rubbing my wrist and ignoring the look Lily gave me. She knew fine well that I didn't like sitting around doing nothing. Thankfully she didn't protest when I started to get up, she just helped me.

Rick left as I managed to finally stand.

"Easy..." she whispered, standing up in case I needed her to steady me. She followed me as I slowly walked downstairs, everyone turning to look at me.

"I'll get you somethin to eat." Lily said quietly, squeezing my shoulder lightly as she passed.

I sat down on the bottom step, "Alrigh', who wants to tell me who the hell shot at us?"

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