Chapter Fifteen.

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Woo! Another update! Hope you enjooooooooooooy!

- Stacey xx :)


*Lily's POV*

The rest of the night I spent most of my time helping Carol cook for everyone and get the people from Woodbury settled. Most of them were placed in a different cellblock since C was already full, but we managed to house everyone.

Since we were busy cooking, our original group didn't get to eat our food until later.

I slumped down on a seat next to Glenn and Maggie, glancing down at her ring finger. She saw me looking and blushed, holding her hand out so I could get a better look.

"It's gorgeous!" I gushed, inspecting the ring closely. It was a plain gold band with a small diamond.

Scooting closer to me, Maggie lowered her voice so only I could hear her, "So what's going on between you and Mr Dixon?"

I bit my lip, taking a glance towards Daryl who was talking with Rick, "I don't actually know...but there's something there."

She nodded, "I haven't seen him act like this with any-" she stopped, smiling over my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, spinning around. Daryl was standing behind me, bottle of wine in hand.

He reached between Maggie and I, grabbing the two cups off the table and poured some of the drink into them.

"Thanks." I whispered, as he motioned with his head for me to follow him.

I took a large swig of the wine and got up. I walked a few steps before turning back to Maggie, who winked.

When I turned around again, Daryl was gone. Cursing under my breath, I decided to go outside sincee that was the most likely place he'd be. I chugged down the rest of the wine before throwing the cup away, wincing at the clanging noise it made on the stone floors. I shivered as I walked outside, a light drizzle was starting to fall and it was pretty much silent except I could hear the faint chatter of everyone inside.

I let out a quiet scream as someone grabbed me from behind, clamping their hand over my mouth. At first I thought it was Daryl but as soon as they opened their mouth, I knew I was wrong. It was a man, not a voice I recognised.

He held me tighter as I started struggling. "Now, now," he whispered, sending a shiver down my spine, "I'd hate to have to shoot you sweetheart."

I squealed as he ripped the sleeve of my blue shirt, dropping the piece of fabric to the ground then he started dragging me towards a large truck.

I dug the heels of my boots into the tarmac, leaving two fairly large skids, hopefully Daryl would come out and work out what happened to me.

The man dragged me to the back of the truck, throwing me in.

I glanced up at him and gasped. He was the man who managed to shoot me. I backed up as he smirked at me, my back hitting the wall of the truck.

"Martinez!" he bellowed, slamming the truck doors shut, "Let's take our guest back to Woodbury."

*Daryl's POV*

Twenty minutes had passed since I got Lily to follow me and she still hadn't arrived.

Sighing, I got off my bed to go down and search for her. I got the the table where Maggie and Glenn were still sitting and sat down, "Have you seen Lily?"

Glancing around, Maggie frowned, "She went looking for you after she left."

I craned my neck, trying to spot the small woman. I stood up, "I'll go look for her."

Glenn nodded, "I think she went outside."

I said a quick thanks and headed that way, closing the door behind me. "Lily?" I called into the still night.

No reply.

The old school bus was still there so maybe she went in there. I pulled the door to the vehicle open with ease, peering in and seeing that she wasn't there.

"Where the hell...?" I muttered, climbing down. I decided that she was most likely inside, so I started to go back in.

Before entering the prison, I took one last look around, just to make sure she wasn't playing around. That's when I noticed the piece of fabric. Crouching down, I picked it up. It was light blue plaid from the exact shirt Lily was wearing. Fear struck me. Where was she? Was she dead? I looked around frantically, my breathing quickening when I noticed that the gate was open.

Walkers couldn't have opened it so it meant a human had done it. Someone had been here.


Gripping the fabric tightly, I burst into the prison, going straight to Rick.

"Lily's gone." I growled quietly into his ear so Carol and another woman couldn't hear.

"What?" he asked, standing from his seat.

I showed him the fabric of her shirt, "Found this outside. The gate's open."

He quickly called for everyone in our original group to meet outside. Grabbing a flashlight, I followed him quickly as we headed back into the cool air.

I flicked on my flashlight, going to the gate to inpect it. The chain had been broken, so there was no way in hell a walker had done it.

"Daryl..." Beth said quietly from a few metres away from me.

I quickly went over, crouching down beside her as she pointed at the ground. It was marks of a shoe...a boot to be exact.

"Was it Lily?" Beth asked.

I nodded, "It has to be. Her boot would do that easy." Standing up, I turned to everyone else, "She was dragged. That much a can tell you."

Carol spoke from the doorway, "Was it the Governor?"

We all looked at Rick, who sighed, "There's nobody else it could be."

I tucked the piece of Lily's shirt into my pocket, standing back up, "I'm goin' to get her."

Rick grabbed my shoulder, "Daryl..."

I shrugged him off, "No. I'm goin'. I told her I wouldn't let anything happen to her and now look. That bastard has her and he's probably gonna kill her. I'm goin'."

Before anyone could disagree with me, I charged back into the prison to grab my crossbow. I got to Lily's cell quickly, heart beating erractically as I thought about places where she may be.

I was so blinded by rage that I couldn't think, so I kicked the wall to let out some of my frustrations.

Then it suddenly dawned on me. Woodbury. He had most likely taken her there, to the little chamber where he had kept Andrea locked up.

I finally grabbed my crossbow from the top bunk and sprinted downstairs. When I reached the bottom, I was met by Glenn and Maggie.

"You're not goin' alone." Maggie insisted.

Nodding wordlessly, I pushed past them, only to be stopped by Carol.

She took my hand, pressing the keys of her car into it, "If she's hurt you're going to need it."

I clenched my hand around the keys, muttering a quick thank you before following Glenn and Maggie outside.

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