Chapter Forty Eight.

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Oh my gaaaaaawd! Over 38,000 views! Thank you so much! Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Also, sorry about the time jump!
-Stacey xxx


*Lily's POV*

"Lily, Lily wake up!" Daryl was shaking me away, causing me to groan and turn away to face the wall. I was now twelve weeks pregnant -Or three months- and I was constantly tired as I was finding it harder to get to sleep at night so I was taking every chance I could to get any.

"Lily, seriously, get up!" Daryl hissed, causing me to finally turn arond.

"What?!" I snapped, "Daryl, I swear to God if this isn't important I will-" I stopped when I saw the stern look on his face.

"Ye' have to get up," he said urgently, "There's a hole in the wall. Walker's are making their way into the grounds."

I sat up quicky, my head spinning slightly, "W-what? How? What do we do?"

After gently tugging me off the bed, he started throwing his things into his backpack, "Get yer things together. Ye' know that plan." He then stopped, turning to me again, "Never mind. I'll get yer stuff. Go get Cassie."

I turned to leave but he said my name again.

"Take this." he mumbled, holding out his knife to me, "Jus' so I know ye've at least got a weapon."

Nodding, I took the weapon, heading for the door.

From downstairs, I could hear Rick and the other shouting at one another but Sasha's voice rose above them all.

"We've been over this!" she yelled, "Everyone get into your positions and stick to the plan!"

Carl came rushing out of his room, narrowly avoiding me as he ran past, "Get Cassie! I'll be waiting for you downstairs!"

I watched as he moved towards the stairs, pulling out his gun as he did so.

Reachiing Cassie's room was easy since it was only two doors down from Carl's and when she saw me in the doorway, she quickly picked up her small bag full of Beth's old clothes and rushed over to me.

"Come on," I said gently, "We need to find out what the plan is."

Together we made it back down the hall to Daryl and I's room, where he was waiting for us.

Of course, he wasted no time in directing us to the stairs and as we descended them, I could finally see what our problem was.

"How the hell did we miss that?!" Daryl growled, referring to hole in the now crumbling wall that was allowing a steady flow of walkers to come in as they pleased.

Sasha rushed over to us, wrapping her hand gently around my wrist, "You know the plan, Lily. You, Carl, Cassie and Beth get to the cars and get in them. If it looks hopeless here, you drive and you go to the housing estate. You do not come back." she instructe, steering Cassie and I toward the door.

"No!" I exclaimed, shaking her hand from my arm, "I'm not leaving without Daryl!"

"Yes ye' are." he said, coming up behind me, "I gotta keep ye' safe. That's what I promised. Now go. I'm gonna go find Rick and see wha' the plan is. Git ready to drive."

"I'm not leaving you!" I cried, gripping at his shirt as tears blurred my vision.

"Ye' have to." he mumbled and I let out a quiet sob as he placed his hand on my waist, "I will find you." he promised, lips brushing against mine as he spoke.

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