Chapter Eleven.

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Okay, so a few people have said that you'd like more of Daryl's point of view. The only reason that there isn't a lot of them is that I find it quite hard writing it. But since a lot of you want it, I will try my very hardest to include more of them starting next chapter. 


I held my breath as I watched the truck, the door to the back opened and slowly, walkers poured out from the back.

I stood up, momentarily forgetting about the threat of the men with guns and took aim at the walkers and I managed to take out a few before rapid gunfire was heard from beyond the fields. I was too slow to duck down behind my shield. I gasped as a bullet grazed my arm just before I ducked.

As I looked through the slats on the pallete, I saw the men who were shooting at us drive off, meaning it was safe to come out from behind cover.

I saw that the large gate to the courtyard was still open, Glenn must have left it open when he left earlier.

Standing up again, I ran towards it.

The walkers were getting close, their hightened sense meant that they could smell me from a fair distance and they started shuffling their feet a little faster.

I slammed the gate shut before finally allowing myself to fall to the ground holding my arm.

Sure it was a graze, but I knew fine well that they could cause a lot of bleeding.  

Carol rushed over to me, dropping her gun in the process, "Lily, come on. Let's go inside and get you cleaned up."

I shook my head, "No! Hershel's out there! We need to get to him!"

Maggie appeared at my other side, helping Carol haul me up, "It's okay. Glenn and Michonne are there. Go and get cleaned up. Carl and I will take care of the walkers."

Nodding, I let Carol lead me into the prison.


"You're lucky it was just a graze." Carol murmured as she finished wrapping gauze around my bloody wound.

She was right, but of course I already knew that since I was trained in the medical profession. I turned my head to the door as Michonne and Glenn aided a seemingly uninjured Hershel into the cell block.

"Where's Rick?" I asked, looking for any signs of him.

"Rick's out there?!" Glenn exclaimed.

I nodded and stood up, "You mean you never saw him?"

Michonne shook her head, "There was no sign of him..."

I slumped back down onto my seat, running my left hand through my hair, "Okay...well are you okay Hershel?"

The older man nodded just as the door to the cafateria opened.

Confused, everyone hurried through. I stopped in my tracks, seeing Daryl standing beside Rick...and Merle.

Unable to hide my emotions, I ran towards Daryl and threw my arms around his neck. However, anger soon replaced the happy emotions inside me.

Daryl opened his mouth to say something but the loud smack of my palm hitting his face echoed around the halls of the cell block.

"You son of a bitch!" I cried, grabbing his rucksack from him, "How could you leave us?!" I started whacking him repeatadly with the bag, ignoring the pain that shot up my injured arm with every swing. I hit him once more for good measure before throwing the bag down at his feet. Spinning around, I quickly made my way through the cell block.

I ignored Daryl calling my name as I climbed the metal stairs to my cell.

I sat down on my bed, poking at my wound which had started bleeding again due to the vigorous movement I had out it through just minutes ago.

I had bandages on my top bunk so I stood up to get them, freezing as I noticed Daryl watching me from the doorway.

Wordlessly, he entered my cell and came towards me, taking the bandages from me before sitting on my right, "What happened?"

I said nothing as he started to unravel the bloody bandage, keeping my eyes on the wall in front of me

"Lily." he pressed.

I sighed loudly, "I got shot. Well it's a graze but still."

I finally looked at him, surprised to see him already looking at me.

"Who by?" he whispered.

"Well there was a few men but I'm sure it was the one with the eyepatch." I answered.

Daryl's face hardened as he started to wrap a fresh bandage around my arm.

"It was my own fault to be honest. I took my eye off the thre-" I was cut off by Daryl slamming his lips against mine.

My eyes widened in shock before they fluttered closed again and I kissed back.

He trailed his hands up my arms, causing me to wince when he hit my wound.

He pulled away quickly, "Sorry! Sorry!"

I shook me head, laughing slightly, "It's fine," I pressed my forehead against his shoulder, "I missed you."

He rest his head against mine, "I missed you too."


Holy shit this was awful. I am so sorry. I promise I'll try and make the next chapter a lot more interesting! 

Staceeeey :) xxx

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