Chapter Nineteen.

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                             I think everyone knows where I was going with the end of the last chapter. I apologise if the whole 'sex scene' kinda thing isn't good, but this is my first time writing something like that and I'd love some feedback. Anyway, hope you enjoy :)


*Lily's POV*

Daryl and Rick were gone the rest of the day, returning only when it got dark.

Everyone was sitting eating the rabbits that they had managed to catch. The woman Sasha had joined us but most of the other residents of Woodbury had decided to stick to their side of the prison, only coming to us when they had ran out of food. That was the deal that they had made with Rick.

I sat with Carl, Maggie and Glenn, talking about how Glenn was going to try and figure out a way of blocking the breach in the walls down in one of the generator rooms.

Daryl was sat with Rick, chatting amongst themselves but every few moments, his eyes flitted to me, catching my gaze and sending warmth throughout my body.

I finished off the rabbit and got up, collecting everyone's plates to wash them. I headed over to the area allocated for washing and dumped them in the cold water. I grabbed the rag we used to wash dishes and began scrubbing, smiling when I felt someone's presence behind me, having a good feeling who it was.

Warm hands were placed on my hips as Daryl's mouth came close to my ear, "Follow me." I let him slip his hand into mine, leading me outside. 

I bit my lip as we walked, my eyes trained on his back. Was I nervous? A little. I wasn't a virgin but it had been a while since I engaged in any sexual activities.

Daryl led me to the school bus, pulling the door open with ease and gesturing for me to climb on.

I made my way to the middle section of the vehicle, turning to see him pull the door shut again. He turned, looking me up and down as I nervously toyed with my hands. He sat down on one of the old seats and gestured for me to come closer. I did so, grabbing his outstretched hand.

Daryl gently pulled me onto his lap. I placed my knees on either side of him, giving him a small smile before I leant down and pressed my lips against his.

His hands immediatley made their way to my waist, slipping under my shirt as the had earlier in the day, causing me to gasp slightly as he bit down on my lower lip, giving him the oppertunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

A shiver of pleasure coursed through my body as Daryl's mouth left mine, his lips latching onto my neck. "Daryl..." I moaned weakly as he started sucking on the skin.

Once he was happy with the mark he had left upon me, he began unbuttoning the white shirt I had on. His warm fingers brushed over my breasts, making me bite my lip. He soon had the buttons undone and the shirt off, throwing it over the back of the seat. He ran his hands back up my stomach and over my bra, cupping my breasts and my breathing became a little more unstable. He sat up and quickly shrugged out of his angel wing vest, his shirt following closely behind it.

I splayed my hands across his chest, admiring his impressive muscles. I looked back up into his eyes, the gorgeous blue I was so used to seeing was now a little bit darker having been clouded with a hint of lust. I brought his mouth to mine in a frantic kiss, my fingers winding their way into his hair and pulling slightly, making him release a low moan.

He shuffled forwards, turning slightly so he could lay me down on the seat and began unbuckling my belt, taking off his boots and his own pants while I shimmied out of my jeans.

I bit my lip as Daryl crawled back on top of me, keeping most of his weight off of me. I moved my mouth to his neck, sucking on the skin to leave a mark. While doing so, I used my foot to attempt and push his boxers down as he reached underneath me, unclasping my bra.

Noticing my struggle, he pulled away slightly just to pull his boxers off before he began pulling my underwear down. Realising what was about to happen, I pushed him away gently, "We can't..." I whispered, letting out a moan as he attacked my neck again. "Daryl..." I moaned, trying desperately to push him away before all my self control evaporated.

He kissed up my jaw to my ear, "Don't worry."

I secured his face in my hands, making him look at me, "We don't have pr-"

He cut me off with a kiss, holding up a square packet, "Stole one from Glenn."

I giggled and pressed my lips to his and and after that, our movements became frantic. Daryl hurried to pull the condom on and climb back on top of me, kissing my lips lightly and he hitched my legs around his waist.

As he entered me, I felt pleasure surge through my body. It had been so long since I had been this close to someone and to be honest, I had been craving Daryl for some time now. Being on the uncomfortable seats of the bus wasn't exactly ideal but I shoved that to the back of my mind, letting the pleasure take over my body.

Daryl moved in and out of me, both of us emmitting small moans. I dragged my nails down his back, making him release a small moan into my neck. He picked up a faster pace, pressing more of his warm body onto mine. My breath hitched as I felt myself nearing my climax.

Sensing this, Daryl moved his hand to my hip, holding me down so that he could take full control and I found that he was hitting just right spot and soon I was crying out his name, arching my back as my climax hit. Daryl let out a final groan of pleasure before he collapsed on top of me.

We lay there silently for a few minutes, letting our breathing return to normal then he pulled himself from me and started moving.

I sat up, catching my clothes as he threw them at me. I looked at him, watching him tug his pants on.

He caught my eye, sending a wink my way, causing me to blush furiously.

He helped me stand from the seat and I giggled, seeing that the windows had steamed up.

Once we were both dressed, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leading me back into the prison, ignoring all the suggestive glances being sent our way.

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