Chapter 1

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Today I woke up with this feeling that something good will happen today.I shrugged it off and wore my white crop top with my black metalic skirt and my black converse. I went downstairs to join my bandmates a.k.a my friends for breakfast.Mat was cooking while Taylor,Emily and Stefan were on social media.

"Good morning my friends"I said but no one turned to look at me, but I heard some good mornings being said.

I took my seat at the kitchen and waited Mat to finish cooking.After 10 minutes we had finished eating and we were getting ready to make our video.Today we were covering Jessie J's Flashlight as it was reguested from most of our fans.And right after we were gonna make a Q and A.


"Ok,right now it's time for the Q & A.Mat give me my phone."I said looking into the camera and then at Mat.He gave me my phone.I opened it on Twitter and we sat at the couch in the room.I read

"First question:What are your nicknames for each other?"Em beat us to it and answered

"We call Matthew,yeah his full name is Matthew,Mat.We call Taylor,Tay.Stefan,stef and y/n,y/nickn.Oh and they call me Em."I continued reading

"Ok,moving on.ages?"They all looked at me,because I'm the oldest.

"Em is the youngest,she's 16,Mat is 16 as well with a few months difference.Stef is 18,2 months younger than me and Tay is the only 17 year old in the group.And I'm 18 as well."I said answering the question. The Q&A ended after 5 minutes and I had edited the video while everyone else was watching,because no one else except me and Stef knew how to do this.When I uploaded the video I twitted it from our band account.

@TheDreamersOffAcc:New video up! *link to the video* -y/n

After tweeting about it I went to check out our tweets.All of them were from fans...except one.

@SimonCowell:Meeting at Syco Records,tomorrow 3:30.@TheDreamersOffAcc

After I read the tweet I quickky opened and closed my eyes to make sure it's not an illusion. When I realized that this tweet was real I dropped my phone, thank god I didn't broke. Everyone turned to me with shocked faces.

"You saw it too?"I asked and everyone else unable to speak so they nodded very fast and started jumping up and down.I joined them and we started screaming.After a good 5 minute passed I looked at them and they looked at me ready to scream again.

"NOOOO STOOOP"I yelled and everyone closed their mouths,looking at me questionly.

"We have to prepare a song in case Simon wants us to perform.And we have to make sure our voices are perfect and we haven't lost them more screaming.'I said looking at each one of them separately while they nodded
.After 10 minutes we had picked a song.We were gonna do Fifth Harmony's Sledgehammer,it showed off our voices really well.After we practiced a bit on top of the song we chose we went for lunch and then at some entertaiment park that Mat told us had opened a few days before.We had so much fun.We came home around 9 thirty so we can get a goodnight sleep so we'll be relaxed tomorrow.I drank a hot tea before going to bed so I can sothe my voice a but because it was a little sore from today's screaming.I went to bed relaxed,waiting for tomorrow to come.


Hello.So this account/story is a collab of FangirlingLife03 and tswifties1213 .So after every chapter we will write our name down here so you can know who wrote it. And we have seperate story too in our own account so check out!!


It Started With A Tour - Lauren/You/CamilaWhere stories live. Discover now