Chapter 39

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--SOOOOO Sorry for the super super late last chapter but I'm gonna explaon everything after the chapter.--

Y/N POV finally had been such a crazy,emotional looooon roller coaster ride.But it was almost one of the most beautiful years of my entire life.I met and commited to two beautiful girls,had a daughter which those two people helped me take care of.Tour is over,obviously.Music is over for all of us.We all meet as regurarly as we used with the slight difference that there are no paparazzis outsode our doors and more.Me,Lauren,Camila and our Mich are living in a big house now.Ally married Troy and gave birth to a beautiful child,that now is 2 years old.Normani and Dinah...well who knows what they're doing right now?When 5H ended they took off and started travellih the world,sending us pics,videos and everything yo could imagine.All of my ex-band be honest I don't know what their doing...I think they left too.But,i'm with my family now and it's all that matters.No dram or amything since the tour ended.Mich was 7 now.She had grown into a beautiful,amazing young child and me,Cami and Lo were there and experienced every bit of this ride.I still remember the little moments that mattered to me.The first time I met the two Cubans,Mich's first steps...EVERYTHING literally.

"Mom,mommy and momma say they want us to go to the movie room because they're bored and they want to watch a movie"Michelle came and interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes,baby,tell em I'm coming ok?I'm bringig the anacks and everything"I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Okkk,mom.See you in a whileeee"She answered before exiting the kitchen,and skipped to the room we watched movies all the time.I made pop corn,placed chips on top of the bowls,grabbed a few drinks and don't know who,but I managed to take it all to the room without falling or spilling.Cami was putting on a movie while Lauren rushed to help me

"Baby,why didn't you asked one of us to come help you?"

"It's ok,Lo.I didn't fall or somthing so AAAAll fine"Cami laughed and joined in from behind us.Mich was too busy playing with my phone so I stole two kisses from the girls standing in front of me and then we sat down at the couch next to Mich.It was one of those big ones with the corners and stuff.We ended uo watching Finding Dory,whih Mich got really excited off as she had gathered all of her Findig Nemo stuffed characters and placed them around us.She was on top of me.Me and my two babies were really focused on the movie though.Camila had slipped her hand into mine and had interwined our fingers and Lauren had laod her head in my shoulder.I though of that one time at he start of the tour,where we were so confused and we were watchig Insidious 3.The irony of it all though.The movie ended and we had succeed to not falling asleep even though the moment we stepped foot in our room and laid in our big bed,all of us found our normal position amd sleep immediately took over.My family was finally together and going strong for more than 1 year now.And I coudn't cherish every moment of it more.

Oh my god...Hey.I have so much to say.So,first of all.I wrote this at 1:40 at night and logged into the account to update that last chapter now BECAUSE...the moment we were finishing school was starting up right?And as some may and some other may NOT know,I'm only actually 13 and it was my first year of junior high,which you know is stressfull,h/w and stuff.Then exams came and I haven't studied more or slept less in my entire life.I got good grades though so all the hard work payed out.Then when I said I was goih to write here everythig thig you come as an obstavle I had somewhere to go or something sos would happen.But I'm so fricking shocked by all the feedback.Like I honestly soend 1 hour reading SOME of the commenta and I have to say you guys are hilarious.I really need to see the comments on this one.So,I ook it upon myself and created amother cover and changed it because the last one was really bad quality.So,I haven' talked with tswifties123...or should I say PrettyGreenEyes27 *I love the username* we haven't talked for like 5 months or so.If you see this,Helloooooo.Another thing.I have noticed that PrettyGreenEyes27 has started 3 new Lauren/You stories!I'm sure they're great,but I haven't had a change to read them yet.Also,I deleted my other one and started one,a camren texting story recently,and I say if you liked this one you should check our stories on our individual accounts *PrettyGreenEyes27 and FangirlingLife03*It would help us out a lot,thanks!So,basically that's all tbh.I want to learn amy mews you have,what we missed and I want to read those comments brcause as I said you guys are seriously hilarious *I will seriously go back and read every comment from chapter 1 and try to amswer most of them*Love you guys,thank you so muh for the support and for making this story big and continuing to do it.Thanks if you check our other stories too.Once again,love youuu

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