Chapter 8

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When we got out the house we got into the Fifth Harmony van,the weather was good a bit cloudy. After 5 minutes we were int the amusement park.I remember that I had told everyone I'd like to go there before we leave.I looked at Lolo and Cami and they smiled at me and reached out their hands for me to take.I took them and we walked in.


We were back in the van.We had won teddy's for each other.They hadn't told me where we were going but I knew the road.We were going to the beach.I had told them that it was the place I loved the most everywhere.I went there to clear my mind,to have fun or just relax.After a good 10 minutes we arrived.Once again I took Cami's and Lolo's hands to mine and we walked to the beach.Halfway though I could notice that was kinda far from us.I think it was a table and chairs I don't know.When we went closer it was indeed a table with chairs.I sat at one while Lolo and Cami sat opposite me.


We had finished dinner a while ago.We made small talk and tried to get to know each other better.Then I heard Lolo say "Come on".I followed the two girls I had fallen in love with.We walked only a little and then I saw a blanket with one long pillow on top of it.Oh my gosh,we're going to stargaze.It's like they've looked though me.I love stargazing.I laid in the middle with the two girls in my sides.Cami had cuddled to my side while Lolo had layed her head in my shoulder and and had interwined our fingers and settled in her stomach,playing with them.There was silence,but the kind of good comfortable silence.All of the sudden,Cami raised her hand and pointed to a cloud to the sky.Me and Lolo looked at eachother,at Cami and then at the cloud."Look guys.This one looks like a cute little panda bear baby."She then looked at us and had this gleam in her eye,like this little gleam kids have.She was so cute.Me and Lolo smiled to her and I looked up again.I saw one that looked like a heart,I pointed at it."And that babes is called a heart"Oops...I didn't know if I was supposed them babes or just went off natural,I don't regretted.The smiles on their faces when I said that were worth it.We compared clouds with every stuff possible and then we got a bit silent.It wasn't awkward though.They both looked at me.I looked at them "What?Why are you looking at me like that"I asked with a smile.They both got up into sitting position on the blanket and I did too.They exchanged some glances while nobbing one or two times.What the hell was happening here?I questioned myself and started thinking what this could be but my thoughts were interrupted when Cami spoke."Y/n first of all we don't want you to interrupt us,ok?"I nobbed still wondering what this was.Cami spoke again "We know that we only know you for like what 2 months??Maybe less.But our point is that..."She looked at Lolo.I turned my focuse on her too and she continued what Cami started."That..we love you already.Not like a best friend or sister....more than that.We're IN love with you and we didn't asked you properly and straight so we do now...Will you be our girlfriend?"They both had nervous faces on and I acted like I was thinking.I noticed they were getting more anxious for my answer by every passing second.I nobbed slightly and talked "Yes"..they both let a breath they were holding and smiled.I talked again" fighting between you two"They nobbed and hugged me.I looked at my phone it was 12:50."Umm..guys.It's 12:50 and the hotel it's basically 10 minutes from the hotel!I suggest we should get going unless you want to get a poly beat down from Dinah."I looked at them and smiled,they smiled.Also I noticed I hadn't said those 3 little words too."Also you too"I added and they smiled even wider if that was possible.They nobbed,cleared some things and left.


We had just arrived at the hotel and I went to my room.We all had different rooms,everyone needed their privacy...although I had a feeling I woudn't sleep alone today..neither tomorrow and the day after that.Lolo and Cami were pulled into Cami's room by the rest of the Fifth Harmony and The Dreamers manager.I was pulled by my bandmates and Bea into my room.I described everything we did in our date.Anyways time passed by as we all watched movies in the hotel cinema.Late at night we went to sleep.I coudn't sleep,so I opened my phone and started reading Camren fanfictions. Hey,don't get me wrong,they're my girlfriends,but before all this happened they were my favorite 5H ship and the fanfictions in Tumblr and Wattpad are so good.I was reading LJ10(THE sequel of CC7) Chapter 5 when I heard the door opening slowly.It opened widely then to reveal a sleepy Lauren."I had a bad dream again,is it ok if I sleep here?"She asked and she was so adorable."Of course,baby. Come here."I told her opening my arms,letting her know I wanted to cuddle."What were you reading?"She said when she finally settled down.Her hand wrapped aroundmy waist while I had my arm drapped around her waist."Fanfictions...""Oh my-I love some fanfictions!What kind re you reading?"She asked and I laughted a bit before answering."Umm...Camren ones!"I said slowly waiting to see how she'll react because I know it'll be hilarious.She hit my head with her hand"You shouldn't read should read Lauren/You/Camila ones..they're awesome""You read fanfics?"She nobbed"From where"I added "Tumblr and..oh Wattpad.""I read from Wattpad too.Let me show you"I showed her my profil and then searched her and followed her.I also followed Cami' turns out they love fanfics.I then showed her my reading lists.I had different ones but this is the list

Fifth Harmony

Camren Stories

Pretty Little Liars

Emison Stories


Brittana Stories

Short Horror Stories

The Vampire Diaries


*the rest of the list anyways*

Then we just read a bit of the Camren one I was reading,to show Lauren it wasn't that bad.It turns out she liked them and will start reading with me.After a while,I was just stroking her hair when she fell asleep.I closed my phone and fell asleep too.


Hey guys.Here's a bit longer chapter from me too.Hope you liked it also shoutout to moviegeek120 who has wrote one amazing completed story(CC7) and one ongoing ( LJ10 - CC7 Sequel),If you're reading this just you know I love them.So,anyways,thanks for reading.Don't forget to vote and comment your suggestions/thoughts.Bye till next time


It Started With A Tour - Lauren/You/CamilaWhere stories live. Discover now