Chapter 2

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Your POV

I woke from an annoying knocking in my door and some shouting.

"YOU BETTER GET UP OR I'M GONNA DRAG YOU DOWNSTAIRS!!!" Taylor shouted and I groaned

"I'M UP,I'M UP!! Geez! Calm down" i hear a mumbled "good"I'm laying on my bed and thinking why i need to wake up in "10 a.m".Realization hit me SIMON FREAKING COWELL wants to meet us!! After that i run to my bathroom and do my business.

When im done i pick an outfit (Picture above) and i apply a little make up.I check the time it's 11a.m already damn! time flies.while i'm makinh my way to the kitchen i hear all my bandmates talking about what's gonna happen today.i reach the kitchen all of them are quiet and looking at me. i smile widely and shouted.

"WHO IS READY TO GO AND MEET SIMON COWELL TODAY!?!?" and all of them is screaming "we are!" and jump and down

"Ok ok! stop now we need to calm for our voices for later" they stopped and nodded

"So ? we still have" matt paused and look his phone " 3 1/2 hrs to spend the time what are we gonna do?"

"Hold on! why 3 1/2 hrs? its 4 1/2hrs right because we need to be there in 3:30 and its 11a.m now" stefan said innocent

"Idiot because the remaining 1hr is going to be spend in out way to Syco" Em said and stef made an "O" shape in his mouth with the realization.I chuckled and shook my head.I made my way to the table and sat in the middle of stefan and taylor

"how about we practice a little again? after we eat and be ready after that?" i suggest they nodded in agreement

"Soooooo? y/n who is that you're trying to impresse? and you dress like that" tay said while wiggle her eye brow up and down i just look at her confused

"What? nothing , i always dress like this and you know it" i respond

"suree!!" they said in unison
we talk a bit after we eat breakfast and after that we practice again.

-Skip time & drive-

We are in front of Syco Record Building now.We step in the building.We met a middle aged lady in front desk and she guide us,i think its a recording studio.She leave us in the front door and before she dissapears we thank her.I look over to my friends and they nodded to signaling to me to knock.I did when they nodded and we heard a faint "Come in" when i open the door we met Simon by himself.

"Hello boys and girls, Thank you for coming,and nice to finally meet you" Simon said british accent

"Nice to meet you too sir" i respond in polite

"Call me uncle simon and please take a seat" we sat on the couch and simon sat on the chair of the booth.

"So? uhm. why are we actually here?" stefan ask and smile at him

"Ohh yeah! i gonna ask you if you can perform to me right now a song? " we look each other with wide eyes and we nodded eagerly "Ok Great. now just go in the booth so we can start now" we almost jump from our seats,go to the booth as we got to the booth i stand in the Mic. stefan grabs a drumstick and he sits down, mat got a electric guitar,em was in Keyboard and taylor is in bass.
we look at simon. he lean in to the mini mic to speaker

"When you are ready guys"
i loook around and we nodded
but before we start i saw 5girls walking in the room and greeted simon in hug and when i look at them realization hit me they are the Fifth Harmony girls.They are so Beautiful but the two Cuban girls caught my eye and i feel butterflies in my stomach for some reason. i look at them again while they are talking to simon and let me tell you they're so perfect i can stare to them al-....HOLD! WHAT THE HELL Y/N!?! Your Straight why you think like that!!

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