Chapter 23

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Your POV

I was still crying because the memory of being force to have sex of my past boyfriends is flooding and my girlfriends whispering in my ears

"Babe. Hey! it's gonna alright"

"We promised that there no way gonna happen that again"

"Not in our Watch"

"Calm down down monkey"

They racking me back and forth my crying is a little down now the girls still whispering and promising to me when someone or a group brag to my room

"WHAT'S UP Y/N-" dinah cut her off

"OH MY GOD! Sissy! What happen? Why are you crying" My worried sister was ran to me actual i think all The LM ,5H girls,Ems and taylor was here.

"I-" i can't form a word

"What happen? lo?" Ally ask and worried in her voice is clearly while a lot of hands was comforting me

lauren and camila explaine what they witness and what happen what they do to brad after they finish i look to my right seeing all of them was shock what happen and in split of minutes em,taylor,dj,mani and jade was really furious

"What!?! he just do!? "

"I gonna give him a poly beat dawn!!"


they said in the same time and storm going to brad i guess but ally stop them

"You 5 STOP! y/n need us now we need to stay for her"

Jade POV

I can't believe it that my sister's boyfriend trying to force him to have sex i gonna killed that bustard if i see him!! i was out of my thought when someone hold my hand. i look and see y/n

"Hey! relax it's ok sissy i'm fine nothing happen to me. " she said in soft tone i nodded


"uhm. c-can we cuddle l-like old times?" i smile at her being shy

"Of course lil sis why so shy?" i give her a toothy smile i lift her and we lay to the bed and look the end of the bed looking all the girls

"You know you can lay in the bed this is a hug bed guys" and thats the cue and they hurry to go to or side i noticed that the camren was the most concern to y/n is it me or i smell something about this two hmm?

"I miss you Jade i really do, Please don't leave me again i can't lose my sister again" y/n look at me with teary eyes all the girls was looking us now i smile and kissed her for head

"I promised i never gonna leave you, and i promised i always be by your side no matter what ok? I love you my little sissy go to sleep we all here when you wake up" i feel her nodded and i hear a snore

-Next morning-

Your POV

I woke in feeling heavy in my body i look down i saw cami was laying on top of me i look to my right i saw laur cuddling to my arms and to my left i saw may sister i kissed there forehead when i kissed my sister she stir i look at her waiting to open her eyes i smile at her

"Good morning sissy!!" i said in baby voice she smile

"Awwe! your cute good morning to you too" she look to mila and frown i just give her an innocent smile

"What?" she shook her head i kissed her forehead again i know she want to ask something but i gonna let her suspicious to eat her and ask me if she cannot take it anymore. hahah!

-1hr After-

Right now we are eating we a big round table i'm with almost all the performer except to the vamps i'm so glad because i know that brad gonna so screwed because a lot of people hate him i was cut of my thought when someone touch my thigh i look to my right and i saw lauren talking to jesy like nothing she i doing to my thigh she rub it up and down i feel the other my thigh have hand rubbing up and down i saw camz doing the same she is talking to demi i bit my lip to supressing moan. i lean to lauren

"what the hell you two doing?" she just look at me and smirk

"Nothing" i look at mila she just looking at me give the innocent smile too i just sigh i look up i saw perrie looking at me i smile at her she smile at me and look down is it me or i saw her blushing? nah! maybe i halucenating she look up again to meet my eyes we have a little staring contest that we have a smile to out lips out staring contest was interrupted when leigh anne nudge and speak

"Just ask her" she whisper i thinking? because i heard what she said lol this girls like the 5H they can't whisper i look at her raise my eye brow

"Ask me what? perrie?"

"I- I ugh" she look down in embarrassment i chuckle

"Your cute , Whatever it is it's so go a head me ask me" she blush

"Uhm. ok! D-Do you wanna go around and walk after we eat breakfast?" i nodded and smile

"Of course" i feel the hold of my girlfriends was a little bit tight now i look at the two and i saw a jealousy? i just shook my head when i about to talk a heard an annoying voice

"Goodmorning princess!"

"Stop where you are right now brad!!" dj said

"And don't even call her princess!!" laur said i look to brad damn! she got really bad last night i heard a chair fall a look and saw jade go to brad she about to slap brad i grab her by waist

"Wooh! easy sis,"

"No ! He-"

"Jade i'm fine drop it" i yelled she look at me shock "I don't want you all to be in trouble that's why ok?" i give her a small smile she sigh and nodded i look at brad

"Now! Let's go whatever you want to talk about because i need to end this thing to you" he glared at me and grab m wrist force fully we got to the back and no one here and it makes me nervous

"Listen hear! I'm sorry it's just that i like you-" i cut her off

"One i Don' like you because i love someone! and 2nd this fucking publicity is done ! and don't ever talk to me or near me!" his eyes was black now Shit! she smash his to lips to me if you calling that? i shut my eyes and he was trying to unbotton my jeans

"NO! Your Mine no one can get you!" she growl slap me i whimper there is tears was falling now she success to unbotton my jeans when he was about pull it down someone grab him i fall to my knees and sobbing all being abused by all my exes was replaying in my head. I can't breath because of sobbing and all the flashback. my vision was being blurd, i can hear screaming but i can't understand what they saying and everything was black.

hey guys sorry for delay ! i was sick that's why, and thank you for reading our story. btw! Let's Vote For the girls let's tweet the #WorthItVMA


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