Chapter 30

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Lauren POV

"Umm,Mrs. y/n is good.We managed to stitch the cut in her stomach before it was too late.Thankfully the rope around her hands and feet wasn't tight so she is like she got away with that.Currently she's asleep because of the surgery.She probably has to wake up in 1 or 2 hours and then wee'll be able to check her again,this time just to be sure.She has to be kept inside the hospital for 2 days neceserraly we need to run tests and chech her every now and then.Also for now the visitor limit is two,her room is that one."He pointed at a room down the waiting room and we all nobbed.We thanked him and we all looked at each other.

"Jade go,you have to see her is your sister,we'll wait"Camz said but Jade shook her head.

"No,you go.She may need you more now and when she wakes up.I haven't slept in 2 days so I should go sleep on the house till she wakes up"She said.We lookd at the others as they all picked their things,ready to leave too

"Go,guys.We will all go take some sleep,you will stay here and call us when she wakes up.Go,see her"Dinah said while the others smiled softly nobbing

"Thanks you guys.Love you all bye,drive safely"I said looking at them as they left.Me and Camz walked to y/n's room.Opening the door,we were met with a hooked y/n.



I could hear everything but I coudn't bring myself to open my eyes or even move a bit.It was like everything's,every little part of your body is numb.Hearing the door open,I got a bit scared considering it could be anyone.Hearing Lauren's voice after,calmed me.From the time Camz and Lolo got in the room,I could hear some sobs here and there.I just wanted to get up and hug them,tell them everything's gonna be ok,but I just coudn't move.I quitted after a while,but then tried again.Feeling my hand moving inside Lauren's ones,I was satisfied with myself.Trying to move it more,I did.At first it hurt a bit but then I could easily move my hands and body in general a little bit.Opening my eyes was a bit harder.My eyes were really heavy even though I feel like I slept for ages.Also,there was so much light in the room that I coudn't see anything.Opening my eyes,slightly the first time beeing met by a familiar white light,answered my question.I was,indeed,in the hospital..again.This time I tried to talk,to make my wake known because Lauren was trying to comfort Camz,and didn't felt my hand.

"L-light"I said.So faint that I could barely hear it myself.I doudt Lauren or Camz hear it through the beaping.But I was wrong.Both their heads snapped looking at me with teary wide-eyes.Laur got up,turning off the light and opening the curtain slightly so that we could see.Looking up,seeing their beautiful facesof my two Cuban girls,I teared up too.I think I wasn't off for so long,not getting to see their faces made me miss them even though I know they were in here with me.


It was night,the others had came and saw me but left again.Only Camz and Lolo stayed.

"Guyysssssss,go home.I'm fine,go get some rest"I said but they shook their heads,at the same time,both crunching up their noses.They're so a like that sometimes it feels like i'm dating one person,separated into 2 bodies.They carefully layed down in my bed,which thank god,it was a big one.Giggling sligtly,I wrapped my arms around them and they were already asleep.


Hey guys.Sorry it's short I just didn't had any good ideas for this chap.So,news...umm..Well,I'll be getting a laptop real soon and I will update more usually(most likely bc school stands in the way though so..)considering I won't have to share it with my brother as I do with the current computer I wrote this chapter.There will may or may not be a bit of fluff in the next chapters.Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts for this chapter.Byeeeeee


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