Chapter 20

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Me and Brad just arrived at the restaurant.From the moment I got in I could feel the glares coming from the two Cuban girls.I sat in the chair between them,opposite from Brad who I think smirked at me.We all looked up at Simon who looked at me and Brad in return.I told him that I will explain later,well mouthed to him.He nobbed his head and a smile took over his face.

"Ok,Uncle Si,where do we own the honour of being here with you tonight?"I said trying to go straight into the point.

"Well,since I get from your faces that you ALL want to go staright to the point let's go straight to the point.How bout a The Dreamers,Little Mix,5H,Demi L and The Vamps tour?"He said.I have to admit the first part was great,well perfect,it was gonna be an all girls tour wellexcept our two boys who would most likely be together or the time drooling over LM.To be honest I have heard LM one or time times in a conversation but I really haven't met or see them in an interview.But i'm pretty sure,they're great noting as Simon told their name with such excitement.Anyways though The Vamps part was the part where he lost all of us,except the Vamprs though.No's and growls would be heard from everyone except,once again,from the Vamps.They just nobbed their little heads,the ones I wanted so bad to rip off.

"NO,UNCLE SI YOU CAN'T DO THAT"I yelled and he looked at me with his confused face again."I mean we would all like an all girls tour,well no offence to you Mat and Stefan but i'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it too.Having plus 5 girls to drool over.Anyways ,that's not the point though.We would like to have an "almost"all girls tour.We would bond more and you know,girls,gossip,talking things they ca't do when boys are around!"I added to make things a bit LESS-awkward,earning a grin from my girls that quickly dissapeared,probably either because they remembered bout the Brad kiss or because we were with The Vamps in public.

"Y/n it'll only be a month tour and you'll have separate busses anyways.Maybe sometime all girls can gather at one and all boys at another.It's no problem."He said making everyone grown while making The Vamps smile.We argued about,like,10 minutes,but he eventually said that it will happen and we have no choice.Everybody was gone except me,my friends and Uncle Si.We were almost out the door when he grabbed my hand and told the others to go and that he wanted to talk with me for a few.I think I knew what he wanted so like I wasn't so questionable.

"Just ask,what you want to ask"I said and he looked at me,I think doudting whether he should or not ask

"What are all those things with Brad.I though you were dating Camila and Lauren,you better not hurt them."

"Unlce Si,I wasn't the one that hurt or upset them,theorically.We were doing all doing great,having a good time when LA all of a sudden decided he wanted me and date to "date" for publicity and fame.I hadn't had a choice so...."

"He hadn't told me anything!Oh my god,he's so- ughh.Look,I'm gonna talk to him and umm see if I can get you out ok?I'm doing this for the sake of you and Camren ok?I'll call you to tell you ok?Go,get your girls.Bye"He said and I nobbed and smiled at him.He really just became my father,because well,my regular one was dead,my adoptive was abusing and IN jail and..yeah.But I had to admit,even though we know each other a pretty little time,he's been a father figure to me.I hugged him and left.


It's been 15 minutes till I arrived at the house.I checked how everyone was doing,except the two Cuban girls who were in their rooms,getting ready for our movie marathon.Each day,if we didn't had any events going on,we would all gather at the living room,seeing movies and having a good time together.I took up the stairs running,changing into my pj's and getting off all of my make-up.I ran down my phone in hand waiting for Uncle Si to call.Once I was in the living room,I took everyone's spot,to make sure no one changed his seat.We had all designated seats for everyone..My friends all sitting in the big couch-bed we had placed.My two girls were sitting in the couch across from the TV,the spot between them open,my seat and in the couch on the left of the TV,being placed in the right corner so you can watch perfect,was occupied by Ally,Mani and Dinah.Mani sitting ratherly close to Dinah these time.Ha,interesting.I sat in my seat and looked at everyone.Before Ally pressed play to the movie we were watching today,I stopped her by yelling STOP.They all looked at me,suprised.

"Look,umm,I have some news which at least for me are good although I don't want to get my hopes to high.So,I told Uncle Si that LA basically forced me and Brad into "dating" and he said that he didn't knew anything and he would call LA to get me out of it,so umm yeah.Also Camz,Laur about the pic.It's not an edit,it's true...BUT I had told him we woudn't kiss and some stupid girls were there being all "oh they're so cute"and stuff and Brad just though it'll be ok to stick his tongue into my throat.Please believe me when I say I didn't want any those horrible,worst 5 seconds of my life."I said looking at my two girlfriends.They smiled and nobbed.I threw my hands around them and hugged them,kissing both of them on the cheek.

"Thank y-"I was cut off by my phone ringing and vibrating in my hand.I looked at the called ID,Uncle Si."Guys it's Uncle Si"I said,letting the phone still ringing "PICK IT UP"Camz and Laur both yelled and I giggled and pressed answer


S-Hello!So,I have great news and bad news.But first are you with the rest of the gang?

Y-Hiii!Oh god and..yes why?

S-Put me on speaker just for them to hear it themselves.

I parted my phone from my ear and pressed the speaker button.I brought my phone closer to my mouth.

Y-K,you're on speaker.

S-Ok,so,bad news or good news first?

I looked at the girls who all mouthed bad news.


S-Well,the bad news are that I didn't got to get you out of the situation.

Y-Ughh dang it.It's ok though you tried.I just have to continue this thing and make my life miserable for more 3 months.

S-And this is where the good news entered.I made LA to bring down the month number.You only have to do it for this month and the half next month.

I jumped up and down while the girls squealed and my girlfriends giggled smiling.

Y-Oh my god,Uncle Si thanks!Love you byeeee!

S-*giggles*Love you too,baby girl,Bye!

And with that we hang up.We juped up and down a little but we then put the movie.Sitting down back between my girls,they took their usual position.Camz laying with her head on my lap while my left hand interwined with hers in her stomach while Laur layed her head in my shoulder,hand interwined in my lap.We watched the movie and everyone went to their bedrooms,except from Camz and Laur who came to mine as always.


Hey guys,hope you liked that chapter and the turn our story took.There isn't much to say though.So,don't forget to vote and comment.Byeeee


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