Chapter 29

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Dinah POV

When we heard gun shot we rush to the room and we saw two guys in the ground laying have their pass out? or dead i don't know i look over to mila i saw her she put the gun her back i look over to ally, perrie, jesy and mat they have a shock look and we all ran to y/n side.

"What happen? are she ok ? are you two ok?" ally ask in worried tone but mila was only focus on y/n to stay her awake

"we are ok  we need to get y/n to the hospital" said lauren and notice her worried tone we all nodded we walk but we are stop when mat talk

"Wait! mila give me your gun" he demand

" no i gonna-"

"mila trust me i gonna help you to throw this somewhere and dylan and daniel was gonna pay what she did to y/n" he said in angry tone when he mention the two guy

"w-wait! t-they not?-" he shook his head

"no there just past out but i promise they gonna pay this time stefan and i gonna clean this , just please take y/n to the hospital" we all nodded and mila handing him the gun

"m-matty?" we heard a weak voice we look at y/n she was looking at mat give him a weak smile while walking to her

"hey" he said in low voice

"p-please be safe?" mat nodded and he hug her

"yeah just you need to get to the hospital and let them cure you ok? and i gonna take care of them and they never gonna hurt you ever again, I love you y/n" he said kissing y/n in forehead mat have are tears falling now he look at me

"you must go now others was is on their way to the hospital now" i nodded we reach to the car y/n was in the middle her girlfriends we all have worry face while her girlfriends was silent crying

"g-guys," we all look at her " d-do me a f-favor?"

"yes what is it love?" jesy and perrie said in unison

"c-can you l-look and t-take care of each other?-"

"no! no! what are you saying?" lauren said we are sobbing now

"j-just promise me?"

"w-we promised b-but p-please stop saying like that y-you gonna be ok" mila said we all are sobbing

"we almost there sweetie just keep your eyes open " ally said while driving

"dawg! you better be stay awake or else i gonna give you a polly beat down!" i said  she chuckle but wince we look at her

"I-i can't m-my stomach is really hurt and i c-can't breath" we look at her stomach we all gasp

" GIRLS! What do you see?" ally ask in worried

"S-she have a d-deep cut in her right s-stomach, Drive Fast ally!!!" i yelled at her

"WHAT!? OK! ok!" ally is panicking and crying now

"g-girls I-i Love y-you" she said whispering the last word closed her eyes

"NO! NO! Open your eyes!" was we all said

"We l-love y-you too, please wake up" mila and lauren

we all made to the hospital y/n was rush to the emergency room and take care of her

Lauren POV

"What happen!?!?" i heard jade said.

i know i need to be strong to camz but i can't y/n is in there fighting for her life i sit camz in the sit and i wrap my arms around her shoulder we are crying i look up i saw that all us was crying i didn't saw stefan so i guessing that he is with mat . i look at to jade and i saw her that she is crying mess like me and camz.

"lo let's go" i look at her confused "let's go to jade she need us" i nodded we got up and walk to jade her band mates was looking at us she gives a sympathy look and stand up we took there place and hug her we are crying together after an hour jade and i was a little calm camz was felt a sleep

"I-I can't l-lost her again girls, i p-promised to her t-that i never g-gonna l-leave her side but i j-just b-broke my promise to h-her, she is i g-gonna h-hate me-" i cut her off

"Shh! she never gonna hate you, she love you, you are her sissy remember? we just need to be there when she done to the doctor"  she nodded

"Thank you lauren, and tell to camila thank you" i give her a smile

"it's ok we all need to support y/n because the person important to us was is inside fighting with her life" she shook her head

"yeah thank you for that but that is one thing is i am thank you for and it's that you always there for her no matter and you two love her unconditionally, I know you two never broke her heart and you always gonna make her happy, and make her safe, i trust you two when i talk to her friends they said that before she meet you girls she is broken her smile is not reaching her ear and she don't have sparkle in her eyes, but they meet you even if you and camila make her confused as hell" we chuckle " she is happy that she meet you and that when it's started that she is didn't seem to upset and didn't distance herself to other and she have this sparkle to hey eyes, That's why i am so thankful you make her happy," right now i have tears falling in my cheek and i have a big smile i don't know how to respond to her speech so i just hug very tight but i carefully hug her i don't want camz to fall her head in ground.

"she all deserved that she is actually deserved the world, she is special to our life and we can't picture that she is not with us, we love your sister very much jade and thank you for accepting us for y/n to be her girlfriends" she just nodded and give me a sweet smile camz was i wake now and looking at us confused she is about to ask something but was cut off

"Hey guys how is y/n?" camz, jade and i snap our head to where the voice came from we saw mat,stefan, demi and simon we all stand up when they approach us camz and i look at mat he mouthed "we take care of the two asshole" we nodded and look again to demi and simon

"She still-" ally was cut off by the doctor

"Family and friends of Y/N L/N" we run to her side we all look at her hopeful in our eyes

"is she ok!? " was all we said she have a poker face

"Uhm. Ms. L/N is"


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