Chapter 13

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Your POV

I woke up feeling cold and missing the 2 Beautiful Cuban girls. I groan and wrap the blanket all over my body and a little hide my half face in the blanket eyes still closed i think i heard the door open i just ignore it i feel a bed was deep both side someone is shaking me.

"Babe wake up" i hear mila and lauren sweet voice i groan and said

"Now you want me to wake up after you left me here" i huff and i cover my wall head in blanket i hear them chuckle

"good morning to you too, But princess we leave you here because.." while she saying that they both lay down my said they hug me

"we want to make you  breakfast" mila finished lauren and they pulled off the blanket in my face i open my eyes and i was met in brown eyes she smile and peck my lips

"Good morning My teddy" she said i was turn to the right and lauren peck my lips too and said

"Good morning Hermosa" i sigh

"you know i was trying to be mad at you two because you left me , but here you two are being cute!! UGhh!! I Hate you" I pout they sit up and give me a big smile and kissed my cheek

"we love you too" they said in unison i smile at them sat up to

"Good morning too, but please don't leave me again I missed you this past days i was missing you guys," They "aww" 

-After the 3hrs-

We are all currently in the living room and i was just playing in my phone trying to ignore was i feeling right noe while the girls and my band mates was talking i feel someone tap my shoulder i look up saw Ems. she give me a evil smirk i look at her confused. she grab my phone and run She gonna make a lot of selfies and she gonna go to my account to hack me. 

"OH HELL NO!! GIVE IT BACK MY PHONE EMILY!!" I growl and stand up and ran to the leaving room in circle she stop behind the couch and make a thinking face and give me a innocent smile

"How about no?" 

"then you gotta get what you need" i make my serious look her eyes widen

"if i was you i was gonna run now ems" matt said chuckle and she run i look around they just looking at me amusement i look at the table in the leaving room there is a bottle water and i grab it. but before i run to chase emily someone tag my wrist and my shirt i look back

"what are you going to do that?" mila ask in curious tone i smirk evily 

"Oh ow!" i heard taylor,matt and stefan said loud so emily can i hear it and they laugh when they hear emily scream in scared tone

"nothing just gonna make my phone back and revenge, and yes guys "Oh ow!" i run and when i was about to get her i tripped to some heels? I make a loud thud my face was in the ground i heard emily heard her ass off and heard  foot steps running to us. the all laughing 

"B-Babe what a-are you doing there?" lauren ask in between her laugh i look at mila she was stiffle her laugh but she can't stop and she was laugh to i glared at them

"Damn! your very clumsy y/n" mani said 

"yes she is" taylor said high fiving normani and i saw dinah was holding her phone towards me and i know she was recording and i saw ally she was laughing too and i look back at them all in very blank face i actually don't know but i was not in the mood right now i feel like something is bad gonna happen. they stop for second and look at me and laugh again i just get up

"You know what don't stop laughing! i'm actually fine and stop worrying about me!!" i snap at them and they all stop laughing they look at me weirdly grab my phone and go to the backyard who atleast have a basketball court of the mansion i groan in frustration. i feel my phone vibrate i look up saw Simon is calling me.

No one POV

All of them look at lauren and camila but the girls was confused too

"what was that?" ally ask your girlfriends who just shrug there shoulder

" we don't know, she was acting like this after she take the shower" mila said 

" and when we gonna talk to her she only answer as a very short words" lauren said

"so? thats why she focus herself in her phone when you go out in your room?" dinah ask the two they nodded

"we actually ask her she just said nothing is wrong" camila said in worried tone after 10mins of finding what is happening to you they walk to where you are and stop when they saw you grabbing some basketball they saw you shooting the ball and the ball is miss on the ring and you grab it you do it again after 10shots that didn't even shoot in the ring you grab the ball again and throw in the wall in frustration.

"I wanna talk to her girls but i know you two was worried as me so go head and talk to her" stefan said and all of them back to the living while camren still watching you they look at each other and nodded

Your POV

I quick answer the call of simon even if i really don't want to talk right now but i have a feeling it is important.

(S-Simon Y-You)

Y- Hello?

S- Y/N I need to talk to you i'm be there in 30mins ok?

Y- Uhmm. Sure but.. what is about? You ask in hesitant

S- I gonna tell you when i got there

Y- Please simon because the way you talk and the way you avoiding the question i know something is not good. You hear him sigh you know that he was gonna tell you now 

S- Listen i need you to calm down ok?

Y- yeah sure

S- The one who adopt you was got here in the office and he was with some Atty. with some files Mrs. Johnson want you back to her she said she have a custody and i have a feeling that she want you back because..

Y- Because she want the money i making it i simon.  can you still going here please Uncle Si i-i need your help i d-don't want to be back to her. i said in shaking voice i feel angry and sad right now

S-of course be there as soon i can bye y/n. then he hang up

I Groan in really loud and grab the basketball and try to shoot but i think because of my anger i can't even score/shoot in the ring. after 10shots i grab the ball and throw to the wall in frustration I Don't want to be back with her i am not gonna go back to her!! i am out of my thought when i feel two pairs of me hugging me behind i relax to there touch and they kissed my neck softly.

"What's wrong princess?" mila ask worriedly

"Why are you so tense babe?" lauren ask in worriedly tone too i turn around and hug them very tight my arms to their waist and my head was in ther shoulder their arms wrap in my neck and i start crying.

"P-please don't let her get me from you" that's the only i can i say and i was sobbing they hug me back

"What happen baby girl?" "Who are you talking about?" they ask me while they rubbing my back

"R-remember the w-woman in the hospital?" They nodded i still crying hug them 

"This is it I wish they never gonna leave me and they never let her get me ."


Hey Guys sorry for the delay. What do you think how Camren gonna react to what happen to you in the past? and is it the one who is adopt you gonna win? and btw! OMG! i can't belive that we have a 2.01K readers and a 156 votes. thank you so much!! we love you.. I hope you Enjoy this chapter bye till next time. -tswifties1213

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