Chapter 12

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Once again I woke up in the hospital bed.Except,the only difference than before is that this time everyone's in here.

"What happened?"I asked slowly and everyone tunred their heads at me.

"Y/n come on stop pretending.I know you remember."The woman from before said.

"I don't know who you are and i'm not fricking pretending."I said furious and immediately in my side were Camila and Lauren like if they sensed me being furious.

"I don't believe you.You belong to me,I adopted you,you can't just runaway like you don't know me."She talked once again and at this moment the doctor came in.He looked at the woman,curiosity written all over his face and then talked while checking the machines I was plugged to.

"Y/n do you remember this woman?"He asked me and I answered truthfully.

"No.I don't remember anyone on this room,but these people*pointing at 5H and The Dreamers*..with them I feel like I'vee known them forever and I saw you videos,and-and photos that makes me trust them and feel safe with even though I can't remeber much.With her though..the only thing that came back was abuse,yelling and...that kinda of stuff.I want her out."I said and looked at the girls and then back at the woman.

"Ok,she isn't alloved in here anyways by Mr.Simon have to go mrs."He said while looking at the furious woman in front of us.

"Ok,i'm leaving but just remember...This isn't over..I'll be back."She said and we looked at each other.After she left the doctor turned to us and spoke once again.

"You can go home in a few hours y/n,I just need a person to sign the papers.When you go home,you can try to remeber stuff but don't push yourself too hard ok?Also bout your leg,you don't need crunches,I mean we could give youa pair but if someone is willing and can be woth you 24/7 then there isn't any reason."

"In how many time will she be able to remember sir?"Lauren asked before the doctor left and without me noticing,it came natural,I grabbed her hand and squezzed it.She looked at me and gave me a little smile when the doc spoke again

"I'm pretty sure she'll remember anything in...4 or 5 days tops."He said smiling and we thanked him.We left and everybiody sat down where they were before the woman came back.Lauren went to sign my papers and I decided that I should get a pair of crunches just to be sure.We went home and I looked around,it looked so familiar although I coudn't remember most things.It was a bit late though so we decided it'll be best if we went to sleep.Camila and Lauren though didn't want to leave me alone,so they stayed in my room the whole night.


I still hadn't remember everything.I had remembered only bits of pieces,I guess it's better than nothing.It's's like i'm in a place that is filled with fog and I can't see anything except small things.Although today I felt a bit different.The day had rolled the usual,as the past 5 days.I woke up to Lauren and Camila by my side.I had went to the doctor to see my situation,I took of the cast yesterdday,it was a small break he said.I ate lunch and then went to my room.Currently I t was afternoon and we had decided to see a movie.I was seated in the couch with Lauren by my side while my bandmates and the other girls brought in the snacks,drinks and tried to decide which one.There wasn't any noice in the room so my mind got to thinking,I tried remembering.Lauren stood up and broke me out of my thoughts.

"I'm going to the bathroom ok?I won't take long."She said with an adorable smile on her face and leaned in and kissed my forehead.I closed my eyes,as her lips lingered there and I had to be felt felt familiar.A this moment...everything flood back.I remember everything.Me as a baby,my parents accident,the abusing and everything from her and him,to meeting 5H,going on tour with them performing.Camila and Lauren fighting over me.Me deciding to date them both.Oh my-how could I ever forget I was dating the 2 most beautiful Cuban girls I've ever seen?Even if it was Amnesia. got up quickly and everyone's head turned to me because of my sudden moving.I whispered-yelled

"Guess who's back?"I said and they all looked shocked but with smiles on their faces.Everyone came and hugged but when Ally went to speak I closed her mouth.

"I have two girlfriends to suprise so shh"I said and put my finger over my lips indicating I wanted them to keep it a secret.I went towards the bathroom to find Lauren just getting out of it.She was with her back turned to me so I went behind her and kissed her neck.

"What the he-*turning around*Y/N,what you doing?!"She said.

"I think i'm allowed to kiss my girlfriend's neck!..or I though wrong."I said and she looked at me wide-eyed.

"Oh my-you remember."She said once again,her voice low almost hearable.She leant forward and hugged me really tight.I recicoprated and when we parted I leant forward and kissed her.I put all my passion into the kiss.

"I've missed you so much"She said after we parted from our kiss,our foreheards still touching,eyes closed.

"I've missed you too,baby girl,but I have to go suprise our Camz ok?Go to the living room and I'll be there in a minute ok?"I said and she nobbed.I gave her one last kiss and walked towards Camila's room.She wasn't in the living room or the kitchen so she should be there.I opened the door slightly and got in.She was sitting in her desk,her back turned to me.I went behind her and closed her eyes.

"Guess whoooo"I said,with a change of voice though.

"Umm....Y/n?"She did she knew it was me.

"How did you know it was me?"I asked because I really was curious.

"You were and are obviously awful in changing your voice.So..yeah.Anyways what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong...Camz."I said and she looked at me,wide-eyed.The only persons calling her that was Lauren and me before the accident,I hadn't alled her htat after the accident.

"Teddy're back!"She said and her face was priceless.It was the most adorable face I had seen on her.It was like,you know,when kis go into a toy shop and their eyes light up.That was exactly Camz's face right now.I grabbed her head and kissed her with the equal passion I had kissed Lauren,not so many minutes ago.We parted and she huged me again,just as tight as Lauren.

"Teddy bear,I missed you so much"She said her voice low and raspier than I've ever heard her.

"I've missed you too,but everyone is waiting for us,including our Lolo,so what about we go there watch the movie with everyone and after i'm all yours and Lolo's ok?I said and she nobbed.We got up and walked to the living room where everyone,except Lolo smirked.I sat on the couch next to her while Camila sat next to me,both of my hands interwined with each one of Camren's.I kissed them both on the cheek before Dinah put the movie.


After the movie was finished me,Lolo and Camz went upstairs to my room and cuddled.There was comfortable silence,Lolo broke it though.

"Y/n will you tell us about this wom-"I cut her off though because I knew what she'd asked me

"Tomorrow ok?I promise,for now I just want to cuddle with my babes."I said and looked at her.She nobbed and we both looked at Camz,she was already asleep.

"Goodnight babygirl."I said to Lolo


Was the last thing I heard before falling asleep.It was my first night without a headache.


Hey guys!So here it is hope you liked the chapter and the tiny bit,lauren/you/camila fluff.Thanks for all those votes and the readings,you're amazing guys.Bye till the next time.


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