Chapter 34

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Today was Friday.I was kinda nervous because,well,I think everybody would be nervous if they were about to see their exe's after 4 years.To be honest,I may or may not have seen pics on their social media or kinda stalked them at first,but then just let it go,just knowing they would never want to see me again.Right now,it was like 4 something and Ally said we got to start getting ready around 5:30 considering 6 o'clock Simon wants us to be there.Ally,Normani and Dinah were at my house again. Well,Dinah and Normani really do live with me and Ally lives like next door with Troy so yeah. Normani was occupied with talking to Ally while Dinah was with my little nugget playing.Dinah will be a great mother someday,she just doesn't know it,but her Michelle and her siblings she's just so caring and careful with everything.

"Hey,little nugget,Dinah what are you playing?"

"Auntie Dinah says that school isn't good"

"Dinah....Little nugget,school is really good.The school you will go has lots of toys,good teachers and a lot of kids you can be friends with.You will draw there,you love drawing"

"Ok,if you say so,I don't believe Auntie Dinah on this one"Michelle said sticking her tongue out on Dinah,as Dinah did the same.

"Oh,I forgot something,be right back"Michelle's voice was heard as she skipped up the stairs towards her bedroom.

"You know,you will be a great other sometime,Dinah"She turned to look at me.

"I know what you're going to say and I respond,I KNOW so Dinah,you just have to find the right one.Maybe we can tell Normani to hook you up with one of her cousins...."I said and was met by a pillow.Of course Dinah was the one that threw it.We laughed and I think Normani heard because she turned around,glanced at us and then turned around again.We saw Michelle coming down the stairs,holding three pieces of paper

"This one for you,this for you and for you"We said as she handed Normani,Ally and Dinah a paper each.The girls smiled at me,already knowing what it was.I glanced at Dinah's painting.Then Normani and Ally turned around theirs so we can see it.It was us basically running around the house.

"It's us and acting like goofs"Michelle said and we all laughed.Several games after,I glanced at the clock.5:30.

"Girls,come on we gotta get readyyyy"I said,as Ally waved at us closing the door once she's out.Dinah and Normani ran up at their rooms and I picked Michelle up,getting into her bedroom.

"Who is going to be there mommy?"Michelle said as I picked her outfit.

"Family's going to be there,little nugget.Family"I said as I turned around,laying her outfit on the bed,while getting her off her pj's.

"I look good"She said as she lookd at the purple full-view mirror I had placed beside her dresser.I had put her a white T-shirt with cute emoji's on it,of course Dinah had brought that shirt along with purplish blue jeans and her cute pink converse.

"Yeah,you do.But mommy has to get ready also so,go watch a little TV on the living room and me and Auntie Normani and Dinah will come to get you ok?"She nobbed while skipping downstairs,carefull not to trip.I closed her door,opening the door beside her,entering my room.Picking a casual outfit,which was including white/blue jeans,with a black T-shirt that said "But first let me take a selfie"in neon letters with my black converse.I iddn't bother putting much make-up on,as always.

"Dinah,Normani get your annying asses down in the next 5 minutes or we are leaving without you"I yelled coming out of my bedroom,brushing the last strands of hair and throwing my brush on my bed before closing the door.Getting downstairs,I saw Michelle had gotten my phone.I let her take it from times to times,I mean I got nothing innapropriate in there of course and I had downloaded some games for her anyways.But when I noticed the little red sigh of Youtube,I got closer.

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