Chapter 22

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I coudn't believe what I was seeing.That is...Jade.I ran and hugged her,really tight.She hugged me back.

"I though I woudn't see you again"She whispered.Unable to form out words,I nobbed in her shoulder.After a while we let go and stood next to each other,facing the confused faces of Little Mix,Demi and 5H.My friends knew bout Jade and what had happened,the change to explain the 5H girls or even my girlfriends had come but considering I though I would never see her again,I didn't.

"You two...know each other?"I think her name was Perrie asked.Me and Jade looked at each other,smiling and then back at the girls.

"Umm,yeah.Jade and I are...sisters"I said and everybody's jaw dropped.Camz's and Laur's head tilted to the side with a confused look on their faves.Sometimes I forget how similar,both outside and inside,they are.

"How come you didn't mentioned anything?"Laur asked.

"Ok,so.Let's take it from the beginning.I never told you girls*I said pointing at the 5H girls*because I though I would never see Jade again.As you know,our parents died I was 9,going to 10,and Jade was 13.Even though we didn't lived together for long,due to our parents death,we had bonded very much.We would do almot everything togwther and she hanged out with my friends and vice versa.But when were told that we were going to adoption houses,we were going in different ones and there was a 1 percent in a million to see each other again,before we become adults which is that if you don't get adopted till 18 you go out and they give you a fair amount of money to live on your own.Anyways,the reason I didn't said anything is because I though I'd never see her again,I didn't know which adoption house she was submitted so I could go ask for her number of stuff related to her so I hadn't any way of communication.That's all"I said and all the girls,along with the Vamps looked at us.After that we kept a regular conversation,got to know each other.Brad was really annoying and stuff,so it's good that I quickly sat between my girfriends.I had our fingers interlocked under the table mot of the time,the rest leaving them to grab my drink or use my hands to explain something.


It's been one month since the dinner and the getting to know the rest of the tour members.There were still 3 weeks until the tour ends and 3 weeks until I can FINALLY drop the act with Brad.Camz and Laur were really really understanding in the situation.I know they were sad and angry bout it too but also really understanding.Today we had a show in a UK place that I coudn't quite remember the name.We would sleep in a hotel considering we would arrive there late at night and then tomorrow after the show moving to another city of UK.Those three last weeks of the tour were going to soend in diffwrent cities of the UK considering it's big and we wanted to go all around the state.I was forced to go into The Vamps bus since they have many UK fans and most of them shipped us so...Thank god though I made them allo me to take Dinah with me.Me and Dinah were currently in the front of their bus,talking and having as much fun as you could have in The Vamps bus.Here and there I was getting texts in the group chat, including me Laur and Camz.Dinah had started teasing bout how whipped I am with Laur And camz but when I went to answer,Dinah cut me down.

"Shh,ugly face coming"Ugly face was Brad's nickname from the girls.He tapped my shoulder.I turned around

"Hey,umm,could you come with me for a sec.I want to ask you something."He said and I judt wamted to shrug him off.

"I'm bored and having a conversation"I answered rolling my eyes at him.

"Come,and i'll leave you alone for the rest of the bus ride"

"Ughh ok."I said and looked at Dinah who nobbed and turned her interest to her phone.Brad guided me to the back of the bus,their bus wasn't really different from ours.I stood at the entrace while he sat at the couch that was placed there.

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