Chapter 33

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Your POV

"MOMMY! MOMMY!!" I hear my 4 years old baby girl screaming while laughing i go to the living i saw my daugher Michelle i smile because of the site i giggle

"Mommyyyyyyyy!!! H-Help me!"

"NO! y/n stay away from this" I walk to them my daughter was laying on the floor giggle because one of her aunt was tickling her i bend down to look at my daughter and raise my one eye brow

"Karla Michelle,what did you do this time my little dragon fly?"

"I-I..I" I look to her aunty to stop tickling her and she did my daughter was breathing heavily while giggling

"Soooo?" she give me a toothy smile

"I saw auntie dinah was sleeping in her room," my little baby said

"And what happen next mija? " i ask even i know what she did karla michell is a little prankster guess who thought that? of course her aunt dinasaur, my little daughter is a little bit smart from her age

"annnd i jump to her bed and i was gonna write to her face like She did to you when you sleeping but....-" michelle was cur of by dinah

"But i woke up before she do what she gonna do. that? why this is her punishment because she gonna put a prank to the queen of the prank" and with that she tickle her again and she laugh again

"A-auntie d-Dj p-please s-stop" she said in between laugh

"Said Aunt dinah was prettiest to all of aunties"

"A-Aunt D-Dinah w-was the prettiest to all m-my aunties"

"See? is it that hard??" dj ask and karla michelle giggle i just chuckle to them

" girls i gonna make breakfast now ok?" they nodded

-After breakfast-

We are now in the living room right now michelle was playing with her doll with dj and mani while we are eating normani and ally was came to my house actually they always here specially when i am still carrying karla michelle in my stomach. they are always by my side and my bandmates and little mix they stick by my side after what happen and if you asking what happen to camren they leave me when they know that i slept with a guy i was hurt and broken but i can't stop them to not leaving me because i know i hurt them so much and i don't deserve them. i really broken that time but thank to LM,5H girls except to camren and my bandmates to help me  to be back and need to focus on my little baby on my stomach that time. the Dreamers was broke up 4yrs ago because i quit it i need to focus to my baby in my stomach that time. and as of the girls of fifth harmony was broke up last 3 yrs now because they said they need a break from all the drama,rumors and paparazi which i don't please to there reason because that is there dream and they just give up like that. and ooh!! i forgot to mention my ex's girlfriend didn't know that i was pregnant i mean i didn't have time to tell them because they really furious,sad, disapointed and hurt. I can't blame them who is not gonna leave because i am being abuse rape of my ex bf and his bestfriend and then being drunk and slept to a guy from the club and i just a fucked up girl, I actually miss them so much every single fucking day, i still love them but i was trying to move one i mean it's been 4yrs i know they move on already. I was cut of my thought of a little voice

"Mommy? " i look at her from the tv

"yes baby?" she look sad and worried

"Why are you sad?" she said stand up and go to my lap i look to mani and dj they look worried too i give her a small smile

"Nothing mija i just miss two person that is very important to my life that i didn't saw in a long time" she hug me and mani and dj give me a simpathy and i saw them they look sad too michelle pulled away and look at me

"Please don't be sad mommy, why don't you call them and tell them you miss them" i shook my head

"that mija is not easy because that two person who is important to me is really mad to mommy and they didn't want me to see me ever again becAuse i made a mistake and i hurt them so much " i sigh before karla michelle gonna talk we heard a foot step from kitchen to the living room to approach us

"Girls on friday we invited to a BBQ party" said ally in very excited tone

"who is party on this dawg?" said dj

"oh it's simon he said we need all to go to his house and you y/n need to go to the party that simon  said to the phone" i look at her confused

"yeah sure, but i gonna take michelle with me is it that ok?" ally nodded

"simon told me that we need to go to this BBQ party with our families" i nodded

"I don't know but i have a feeling that there is gonna happen in this BBQ party on this friday, I wish it's a good feeling"

hey! sorry for the update it's just school was killing me so yeah! thank you for the voting guys!!✌️ - tswifties1213

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