Chapter 24

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I slowly tried openng my eyes and take in my surroundings.There wasn't much light,so it made it only easier to open my eyes.I was met with the familiar blue/grey ceiling and sighed.Thank god,I wasn't back to the hospital.I slowly got up to find The Dreamers talking with 3/5 of 5H.I looked over at the other 2.Camz and Laur were hugging,a few tears noticable at their cheeks.I groaned just to see if they could hear me and the Camren duo was the first to turn their heads and come to my side.I took hold of their hands while the others came little sad smiles could be seen in everyone's face,including mine.

"What happened y/n,are you ok now?"Ally asked.I looked at all of then at the ground.

"I'm fine,really.Just went he tried to do these things on me,it brough back...memories"I said while looking mostly particularly to no one.

"Hey,it's ok babe,it's gonna be ok.You're safe now"Laur said,making all the bad thoughts and doubts I had in my head dissapear.We just stayed for a minute,the girls except Laur and Camz trying to make me talk bout it.

"Guys,I appreciate that you all care and stuff but the only way to make me feel better now is to join me to do something that will take my mind off things"I said looking at my two girlfriends.Everybody nobbed and we just goofed around only to get settled in the living room,ready for a movie marathon.


The whole Brad thing was over,the tour was over and Simon + LA had given us 2 weeks off,today being Week 1 Day 1,as they should.I mean we got thought so many things this past little time.I of course kept in touch with my Sis.I wasn't ready to lose her again.Things with D-Mac,Sunshine,Manibear and the rest of the Dreamers were going great.Also my relashionship with Camren had been all perfect these past weeks.I just hope it lasts.Now,me Camz and Laur,were just sitting in the living room couch.Our usual position.Camz in my lap laying and Laur has her head on my shoulder.Everyone else was....I don't know...oh well.And of course it had to be destroyed.My phone ringed,my message sound clearly being heard thouout the whole room.I reached over Laur's shoulder where my hand was keeping her close to me and grabbed it.It was an unknown number.I opened it,gasping when I read almost dropping the phone.Laur took my phone and read it out loud,Camz gettign up and turning to us worried.

"Used to being calm?WELL..I CAN'T ALLOW THAT,CAN I?Boys,girls all these games,it's finally time to get revenge

-A"Lauren read and Camz laughed.Me and Laur turned to look at her,with dead serious faces.

"What?It's probably a prank guys."She said and I went to answer but Laur beat me to it."Camzi do you really think after al we been through,Y/N'S been through,this is just a prank?"he said and Camz's laugh started to even out.A shocked expression took over her face.To say the truth this was Pretty Little Liars all over again.Only the text part though not the whoke storyline.Laur quickly got up,with my phone still in hand,and ran upstairs where I assumed the others were.Me and Camz ran after her,to see that she got to Dinah's room.She was blasting out Beyonce but she quickly turned it down,seeing our worried faces.

"What's wrong dawgs?"

"Dinah we need you and Mani's tech geeking magic stuff to help us for something."Laur said.Tech geeking magic stuff?What the fricking world?Mani came rushing to Dinah's bedroom,but not because she heard us but because the music lowered.We explained to her everything and she and Dinah agreed to help us.We got down to the studio and Mani pressed her hand against the wall.A door opening after.A not so big either not so small room appeared that had 2 computers with 3 screens each.And some other geeky computery stuff.I didn't Dinah and Mani could use that

"Oh my..Why you never told me this?I always wanted to know how to use thise programs hacking and stuff"I aaid looking as Dinah and Mani took a seat at their chais opening multiple programs at once.I was shocked,in the view they make it look easy but it's not.After an hour of Dinah and mani working their butt off to find from where the text is from and all of us trying to do whatever to help them finally we wake to a place.

"Hey,d-bags I found it"Dinah yelled.We all gathered there.Wait this was Miami.I think I lived there for a while.

"Miami,Florida..umm..I can't get the exact exact spot but it's somewhere near Laur's and Camz's houses.

"Wait,wait.Tell me your adress again"I asked turning to Laur,as she said her adress.Near there were please don't.

"Y/n what happened?"Laur said as Camz placed a hand in my back.

"First of all,The Vamps are there now which means...Brad's there.But also I'm now pretty sure I lived in Miami for a while,remember guys?I asked referring to my bandmates.They all nobbed."Well,I may or may had 1 or 2 boys that broke my heart there.I haven't talked or seen them in ages,so I don't know if there still there but there's a possibility."

"OK,then.Let's get to work!"Dinah said and we started trying to find out who -A is.

Hey guys so so sorry for the part delay.School is starting in 7 days(one week)and I'm kinda nervous bc it'll be my first year in junior high.Anyways so so rry again.Hope u liked.Don't forget to vote and comment.Love you byee


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