Chapter 26

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Getting into our house brought back so many memories.It had been untouched since Jade explained that Uncle J used to live here till Jade got out of foster home and lived here.I got my suitcase and ran up the stairs,turning left and slowly opening the door to my room.Everything was just as I left it.All the pictures,the posters,my books,computer,everything in the same place.I sat my suitcase beside the door and walked in,tracing almost everything with my fingertips.I reached my desk where I found my old diaries.Yeah I kept diaries.I took one and opened it to a random page.

June 27th 2006

Today is Lolo's birthday.Me and Camz realized as a gift we shouldn't give her something she can hold,we figured we will give her something she can hold in her heart,like a promise.I have figured out what my promise to her it gonna be.I will forever stick by her side,through bad and good,supporting and standing up for her and Camz.I know it may not be much,but to us it did.This year Lolo didn't want anything big,like allour classmates from school and stuff so it was just going to be her,Camz,me and our families.To be honest their parents were like second parents to me and I can say the same about them for mine.Also Lolo's siblings are pretty cool.Camz hasn't any blood related,but she has ours.I also have one sister but she's older.Taylor,Lolo's sister,is 5 and Chris,Lolo's brother is 7.My sister is 14.Me and Camz are 9.She has her birthday on March 3rd and I have mine on July 10th.Lolo is becoming 10 today.Well...I gotta go get ready to meet my girls,see ya later diary!

-9 year old y/n

I always put my name and age on the end of every entry.I don't know why.I laughed at the end,little did I know that these girls were going to actually became my girls in a more official way.My laugher soon turned into a couple tears when I noticed this was one or two months before my parents died and I was forced to go into foster home and leave Camz and Lolo.I woudn't do it a second time.I woudn't let them go this time.I quickly placed the diary where it was and ran downstairs.Thank god Camz and Lolo agreed to stay for a while before going across the street to their houses.I scanned the whole house.In the living room I found everyone sitting BUT Camz and Lolo.OF COURSE.I went to the kitchen,bedrooms..everywhere EXCEPT the backyard.Me and Jade at our young age we used to love swimming,not that we don't now,so we had a big pool in our backyard.We also had some workout stuff,like treadmills punching bags and the ones you have to lift the weights I can't remember their name.Also a grill and a little bar at the pool side.Me,Lolo and Camz would come here everytime we were bored and play.I slowly opened the door and closed it once I had stepped outside.I looked all over the back yard.I spotted them sitting in the pool end.Camz was in the pool,it was not deep, sitting between Lolo's lets,although Lolo wasn't in the water,only her feet.I walked slowly and sitting down at the grass next to Lolo.

"Girls,would you just he-"I said but Camz cut me off.

"Y/n we want to but we just....i'm not 100 percent fine with the promise breaking but what the hell,it was just a promise when we made when we were 9 and 10.But leaving without even a single damn word it hurt us really bad back then."Camz said while Lolo looked me and then Camz.

"Camz,I just give me 2 min-"I said but this time I was cut off by Dinah.I got up and turned around,groaning in the proccess.

"WHAT?"I yelled shocking Dinah

"There's,um,a package for you,it came like not so many seconds ago"She said and I justlooked down.

"Yeah,ok,sorry for yelling.I come see it"I said and smiled at her,before turning back to the girls."Can you just,please,go up my room while I see the damn package?I have to show you something."I said looking at them as Lolo looked at Camz who nobbed.I helped them up and watched them as the went upstairs and when I heard the door open and close,I turned around taking the package in my hands.I opened it.There were paper everywhere..just blank paper.I rummaged through t and then my hand found something hard.I grabbed it and pulled it,now seeing what it was.It was a picture of me,Camz and Lolo like 4 seconds ago in my backyard,framed.I turned the frame around to find a sticky note on it.

Enjoyed your last moment with them?Hope you did?See y/n


It was written with red letters.I gasped and threw the picture frame down.Before I could go to the living room where the others were I felt someone putting a drugged cloth on top of my mouth and noce,as he/she dragged me away.

-2 HOUR LATER-(Still your POV)

I woke up being greeted by a dark room.There was light outside,lighting the room a bit but I still coudn't see what house this was.I tried moving my hands and legs but they were both tied up in the chai I was sitting.A few moments later,I heard a door open and close and a very familiar voice behind me

"Welcome home y/n"


Hey guys.Hope you liked this chapter.Oops...cliffhanger.We had to leave you with a cliffhanger,we haven't done that in a while haha.Anyways,don't forget to vote,comment your thoughts below.Byeee!!!


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