5 My Identity

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I stood in front of Thalia that morning.

"Pepperjack..." She said. "Where's Percy?"

"He is close." I said.

"You." Thalia said. "He's you."

I took off my hood.

"Percy!" She screamed, tackling me.

"Thals.." I smile, hugging her back.

"You're ok!" She said.

"Yes, well. I survived." I sighed.

"What happened?" She asked, helping me up.

"I was tortured in Tartarus." I said.

Gasps erupted around me.

"Milady, is it true?" Asked Phoebe.

"Yes. The worst punishment possible." Artemis sighed.

I stood tall.

"Let us be thankful he survived," Artemis said.

I nodded, and with that left and walked into my tent.

Inside I leaned Riptide against the tent wall, and got in the shower. Afterwords I sat on my cot and stared at Riptide.

"Why did I ever trust you?" I asked to no one in particular. A slight sea breeze blew. I knew he was listening. "Dad. I wanted you to know! I wanted to be your champion, your favorite. You tell me goodbye and claim that I'm not your son. Then after I'm tortured in the greatest depths of hell you give me your blessing and declare me your HEIR? What the Hades is wrong with you?!" I yelled. "You believed Liam!" I screeched. "You CALL ME YOUR FAVORITE SON AND BELIEVE LIAM?! Only after I saved YOUR ASS AND ALL OF THE OLYMPIANS!"

"Percy?!" Thalia ran in. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, you know. Pitch perfect." I sighed, throwing a pebble at Riptide that was still in sword form leaning against the wall.

"I heard every word..." Thalia said.

"You really wanna know what I went through?" I asked, seriously.

Thalia looked away. "Yeah... I want to know what Tartarus is like."

"This was the worst parts of Tartarus." I warned.

"Can I see?" She asked. I nodded, and she put her fingers on my forehead. A screen appeared in front of her.

Tortured in Tartarus- A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now