17 Secrets

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I hated councilor meetings. Always a bunch of sugar-high maniacs yelling at each other about rights and rules.

And yelling secrets and gossiping. Especially when Chiron wasn't around. And today he wouldn't be supervising. I finished my soup and headed to the basement of the Big House.

"As we all know," said Nico, very mysterious. "A new Great Prophecy has been completed."


"Between Percy, Liam, and I." Nico said.

"speaking of Liam..." Jason said.

"Is he alive?" Piper asked.

"No," I spoke up.

"What?!" Annabeth yelled. "You killed Liam!"

"No! He sacrificed himself!" I said defensively.

"You did something even worse!" Rachel jumped to my defense. Everybody but Piper and Nico looked surprised. Nico looked sickly green.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You kissed Nico!" Rachel yelled. "You cheated on Percy!"



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