18 Nicbeth?

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I laid awake in my cabin. Grover had been furiously beating on the door. I guess he wanted to talk about it. That's when I heard Artemis's voice.

"Come in!" I yelled.

Artemis opened the door.

She made her way over to me, and sat down on my bed. For a few moments, there was silence.

"How'd you know I was awake?" I asked.

She smiled down at me with warm eyes. "We have a sort of Empathy Link."

"Oh," I said.

"You being the Guardian of the Hunt and all." She gently touched my face. I sat up. "Percy, Apollo and I feel it's the time to give you this. It's been a whole year since your parents death and..." She handed me a big box. I took it. Suddenly all the hunters piled into the Poseidon cabin.

"Open it," they chorused. I smiled, and took off the box lid. Inside were pictures of me, my mom, and Paul. Some were individuals, but most were us together. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Thank you..." I said. "I don't know how I could repay you."

"There's more." She said.

I looked through all the pictures. I hadn't had any pictures of my mother, so I smiled. I had thought they were all gone, burned with the apartment that had taken her. After shuffling through them, I saw there was a briefcase in the bottom. It was locked, and I remembered something my mom told me when I was little.

"Percy, the most important numbers of your life are 1,2,34 12,18," she'd said.

I spun the numbers around. The loc clicked. I opened the brief case.

There were official documents,  and a few letters. There were some pictures and my birth certificate. I took out one of the letters

I smiled. It was from my mom, who had taken her time to write it in Ancient Greek and had some of the neatest Greek I'd ever seen.

Dear Percy,

I hope that you do not feel like it was your fault for whatever reason I or Paul died. I know you will blame yourself. But I swear if you do, I will come back from the underworld to haunt you! I do hope the rest of your life goes well, as I will not be here to see it. I write you this now to inform you that I love you dearly and hope that you don't miss me too much. After all, soon you'll be in Elysium here with me, won't you? To my hero,


I smiled, and slid the note down back in my back pocket. Now tears were rolling down my face. I knew it was best to let it out, but I didn't want to worry Artemis and the rest of the Hunt.

I picked up another one. It was from Paul in Greek, and again it was extremely neat.

Dear Percy,

Please don't take blame in my death. I know that's your fatal flaw. Keep fighting monsters for me, and I'll see you soon in Elysium. I know you're only my stepson, but I love you like a real son. I the rest of your life will be happy like it is with Sally and I. I love you so much, and hope that you don't miss me too much. You're a hero,  Percy. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Hope Percabeth lasts forever.


At this point tears were streaming madly down my cheeks.

"Mom!" I finally yelled. I collapsed onto Artemis, who held me.

Thalia came over and sat next to me. And then Phoebe and Kenya, a little camper about 8 who always claimed she loved me the most.

Finally I collapsed onto my bed, and cried myself to sleep.

Tortured in Tartarus- A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now