9 Mud?

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I ran after Annabeth and Percy, and Leo and the 7 followed me. I didn't want Percy to hurt himself, but if something did happen to him, I could at least get my leadership role back. I didn't want Percy to die, or worse hurt Annabeth.

I didn't really know where I was going, but I followed footprints in the thick mud, running as fast as I could. I hadn't ever been in these parts of the wood, but something displayed pure evil. I kept running despite it.

"Jason!" Leo yelled.

I looked back, to see Piper standing still.

I slammed on breaks.

"What are you doing? We have to go!" I yelled.

"I'm stuck!" She complained. I jogged to her, but as I tried to help her, she just seemed to get... Shorter?

"Piper, this is quick sand." I said, suddenly scared. My feet started getting sticky and hard to move.

"This whole trail is... Quicksand." Leo said. When I looked back, I saw what he meant. The people who had been following us were desperately attempting to climb the vines to the treetops.



I screamed at him as he fell. What an idiot! Jumping into Tartarus alone?

I had packed that backpack for an emergency.

It had ambrosia, nectar, flashlights and batteries, an extra knife, rope, some crackers, an MRE, and a cantine of water. The hole began to close. He had jumped in litterally like 2 seconds ago. I ran, attempting to look over the side and possibly follow him in (I know, stupid right?) because I was not losing my seaweed brain again. But it was already closed.

I started to follow the trail back, sulking. I tried to stay away from the middle. That was all quicksand. I hoped nobody had tried to follow us, or they might suffocate.

I walked about 5 minutes and heard distant screams. I picked up a jog, and as they sounded more urgent and distressed, my jog turned to a slow run, and then a fast sprint.

I knew those screams.


This was the best luck yet! Luck? Nope. More like worst thing ever. I was up to my knees in the quicksand, and I wasn't making it that well with the vine. Hazel was working slowly, she had almost managed to free herself. Only her ankles were imbedded. Piper was trying to CHARMSPEAK the stupid sand.

Lemme tell you, it's not working.

After attempting to beat the sand with his spear, Frank Had resolved to turning into a dragon and had managed to make a small difference.


Jason was struggling to reach a vine. After he gave up, he started to fly. At first it worked a little, and he got maybe 5 inches out with lots of effort. I pulled myself another inch, and then took one hand off the vine. I was still pulling, but burning the sand. I burnt it maybe 2 inches and started to pull myself out. Soon, only my ankles were imbedded.

I pulled my ankles out and hung from the vine. But of course....

Then the vine decided to snap.


I knew that I would fall through 7 cloths, slowing my fall. It'd be an ok fall.

I had to save Nico, and get back to camp.

5 hours later

I finally see the first cloth. They are all 1 mile apart. They were stretched across the chasm to slow the fall of demigods that had been caught in the trap. That way they wouldn't die on impact.

I hit the first one, and pain shot up my legs. I groaned, and reached into the hunter pack that we all carried around. I popped some ambrosia into my mouth, and hit the next cloth. Then the next and next and finally after the last one, I put my backpack in front of me, and I hit the pillows. There's a big pillow at the bottom. Pain shot up my arms and legs, and the backpack exploded on impact, contents flying and bouncing off the blood stained walls. I quickly gathered up the items. So much for the crackers, flashlight, and batteries. I gathered the nectar, water, and ambrosia and put them in my hunter satchel. I had to do this quick. I sighed, rage, fear, and courage all fled through me at once. I gulped and followed the torch lit path. I remembered this. Paintings of all their victims were on this hall. As I neared the end, I saw my face- and Nico's. My eyes widened, and I took out a candle from my hunter pack. I lit it, and then saw something else. I rubbed the picture of Nico. Fresh blood. They usually painted their victims with their own blood.

I kept going down the long hallway. On the left side, prophecies were written. There was still about 2 miles to travel, and as I looked at the prophecies, I stopped in my tracks. There was my name, and 12 prophecies were written. I hoped they were just quest prophecies, but I had only heard 2- the first one and the one with the 7. 10 more? Then I saw something else.

In Tartarus he returns
The 3rd time to make a turn
The other will do it for a friend
His life will sadly utterly end
An oath he'll break
And death enclose
The Son of Poseidons death endured

Death? How could that be right. I was the only son of Poseidon. My dad- or, Poseidon that is, said I was his only son.

"How..." I was very confused now. I heard a growl, and I began running down the path. I didn't have time to read the others. What had that meant, and why were there still 9 more prophecies after that one?

I continue running, before I came upon something leaning against the wall. A trident.

"Thanks, dad." I said. I knew it was from him. I picked it up, and began to run again. Surprisingly, it doesn't slow me down at all.

I ran to the end of the hall, and sure enough, over in the corner was Nico. Shirtless, and covered in scars and blisters. I ran to him.

"Nico!" I yelled. He looked at me, and traces of hope crossed his face. I used Hestia's powers- Greek Fire- and burned down the cell bars, ran inside, and burned his chains.

"Thank you, Percy-" he stopped, staring at me. He looked like he had something he needed to get off his chest- the same way Annabeth looked. "We should get out of here," he said, not making eye contact. His hair had grown long. He didn't look good. Without waiting, we both ran out.

But it wasn't soon enough, I guess. Polybotes stood outside, waiting for us.

"I knew you'd come. Broken Hero, Percy Jackson. That's what you are." Bellowed Polybotes.

"No. Not broken." I said. Nico drew his Stygian iron sword. I held the trident at ready, but it began growing heavy in my hands. Polybotes's presence. I thought.

But then something else occurred to me. The prophecies weren't in order. That could be the last prophecy... But it didn't make sense! This was my 3rd time in Tartarus. But what if it meant willfully? This was my second time willingly going in.

Suddenly a huge pain sent me flying against a wall. Polybotes had creamed me, and now I was stuck in the wall, dust and stone crumbling at my feet.

Tortured in Tartarus- A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now