Chapter 2:A Night of Ice Cream

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The first night there back at Gatsby's felt kind of weird. Of course, I still remembered where everything was and what it looked like. How could you forget a house like that?

But, instead of going to bed right away that night, I decided to go to the library. Just because I haven't been there in so long.

I opened the door of the library and started walking down the steps. On the way down, I spotted someone sitting on a nearby couch, looking deep in thought. Nick.

I smiled and walked up to him. "What are you doing here? I thought you already left."

Nick turned abruptly to me and smiled. "I didn't feel like going back to my house. Too many things on my mind." he shrugged.

I sat on his lap as he wrapped both of his arms around my waist. "Things like what?" I questioned him. He sighed.

"I don't know, it's just.....I never thought you would actually come back. When Gatsby left to go get you two, I didn't think you would actually come back with him. But, when you did, I knew how it felt to be truly happy." Nick said while looking down and slightly smiling at the end.

I stared at him. "I will always come back." I said with a smile. Nick grinned at me and started to lean in. Our lips were barely an inch apart when suddenly I got an idea. I hopped off of Nick's lap quickly, causing him to give me a confused look. I smiled and held out my hand for him to get up. "Come on, I have an idea on somewhere to go." I said to him.

He chuckled while grabbing my hand and standing up.

"You do realize it's almost 10:00 at night, right?" Nick questioned me as we walked out the door of the library hand-in-hand.

I turned to him and grinned. "Yes, but it's never too late for ice cream."

We sat together in the almost empty ice cream parlor. I say almost empty because it was only us two in there along with a cute elderly couple.

Nick and I both had gotten vanilla ice cream, except mine also had chocolate syrup. I also was still in my pj's. Because I just roll like that.

The whole time we were there, we both sat and laughed, just like before I left.

I don't know what it was about Nick, he just made me smile and laugh, without even trying. Which was one of the things I loved about him.

When we were both finished, we got up, and it just so happened at the same time the elderly couple were getting up also. So, Nick held the door for them. Because he's cute like that. :)

The couple thanked him with smiles on their faces. The woman then turned to me then back to Nick.

"You two are so cute together! I remember when me and my husband were like that. So young and in love. I wish the best for you two." she said with a smile.

I smiled and thanked her, and wished her the best also.

Everybody's shipping us these

Cuteness level 100. lol.


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