Chapter 16:Story Time^_^

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(Before this chapter starts, I just want to say that the writer's block was REAL with this and I couldn't really think of what to write, which aggravates me because I was so excited to write about this trip. But anyways, this chapter is just going to be me telling you what happened while we were in California. So yeah. In these next few chapter though interesting stuff should happen. ;) Because I planned like 3 months ahead and stuff. But yeah, this is getting too long it is. :) Oh! And remember.......A little party never killed nobody :D Byez.)

Gatsby sat quietly in the front seat driving. Karmen sat next to him the same way.

Nick was deep in thought, as usual, and I just sat there awkwardly, again, as usual.

So to fill you in on why this situation seems kind of odd, because it is, I'll start from where we left off! Story time:

It was a couple of days after we had arrived in California, and we were all out walking around and exploring the place. Karmen and I had wandered off, as we always do, and went into a mall looking place. We had been there for about maybe 30 minutes and we were just chillin and stuff. Karmen and I were standing and talking in a random store when this guy walks up out of nowhere and starts talking to us. And by us, I mostly mean Karmen. So, you know, friendliness and stuff. We talked yada yada yada......basically after talking for like 20 minutes he asked Karmen out. And duh, Karmen said no. But Mr.Persistent over here wasn't taking no for an answer. So another 5 minutes pass of him trying to convince her to go out with him. Finally Karmen just walks away, no surprise. So that leaves me just standing there, but I leave too. So yeah.

After about 10 minutes of us walking again, we see Mr.Persistent following us. So of course, being the spies we are we go all sneaky and start sprinting through people and stores. But somehow he managed to keep up with us. I guess he was a spy too. We finally ended up just running outside of the mall place, and we ran into Gatsby and Nick. And like, 3 seconds after running into them here comes Mr.Persistent behind us. So it was me, Karmen, Nick, Gatsby, and Mr.Persistent all standing in a kind of, circle thing in awkward silence. Which went on for like, a good minute. I was the first to speak. But all I said was hi to Nick. So yeah. He just looked at me with that same amused look he always has when I do something weird. Which is all the time. Anyways, after that Mr.Persistent asked Karmen why she wouldn't just go on a date with him.

Okay now, you can imagine how awkward it got after this. Nick is confused, I'm trying not to be there, Karmen is just like bruh, Mr.Persistent is waiting for his answer, and Gatsby........I don't even know, his face didn't have a readable emotion.

Long story short, a REALLY long story, Gatsby and Mr.Persistent had a talk and yeah. I don't really know how it went because I just ended up walking away and taking Nick with me.

I did ask Karmen a little later though and she said she didn't know either, she just said Gatsby got quiet. She kept asking him why he was being all quiet until finally he told her. Karmen stopped there, not telling me all the details. Which, I respected, because it's their relationship, not mine. But, I know for sure everything is all good now, because Karmen told me it was. So yeah. I guess Gatsby just needs time to think or something.......

That's the end of my little story time session. Now we were headed back to West Egg. Because after that little mall situation, everything just seems.....out of place in a way. So we all decided it was time to head back. Carmine probably misses us anyway. :)

My eyes slowly opened and closed. I leaned my head on Nick's shoulder and yawned. I could feel myself falling asleep.

I took one final look around me, my eyes resting on the rear view mirror. Gatsby's eyes soon found mine. A small smile etched across his face. I smiled back.

Then sleep came upon me.

Sorry the story was kind of lame. I liked the ending though. Hope you did too. ^_^ Well, until next time, which maybe, possibly, will be soon. Lol.


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