Chapter 7:Daisy, the Mother :P

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Carmine and I walked the streets of New York to the nearest grocery store there was. He was sent to go get some groceries, and I was bored, so I figured why not tag along?

The last party was great, by the way. By the end of it all I just wanted to sleep. So yeah.

Carmine and I both talked casually as we walked. Of course, Carmine mostly wanted to talk about Katsby and Nelsey. Because he's a fanboy. Which, I didn't mind.

As we talked and walked, (poet status), I suddenly saw out the corner of my eye two familiar looking people, who just so happened to be walking hand-in-hand. Who would these two be? Oh, you know, just Elizabeth and Tom. Great, right?

I quickly turned, trying to be unseen. I then looked at Carmine. "Can we walk a little faster--" I began, but just before I could finish, a voice that sounds like it's coming a few yards away calls out Carmine's name.

Who could that voice be? Elizabeth, of course. ~_~

"Carmine! Is that you? I haven't seen you in so long!" Elizabeth calls as she walks over to the both of us, pulling Tom along with her.

She finally stands in front of both of us, along with Tom. I guess this is the first time she's noticing me, because her eyes almost bulge out her head when she glances at me.

"Oh, hello Miss--I mean Kelsey." she catches herself. "It's nice to see you." I can tell she was uncomfortable, so I just nodded and smiled back.

"You two know each other?" Tom suddenly asks. I almost forgot he was standing there. I just nodded again, because I didn't feel like explaining anything.

There was an awkward silence for awhile, until I thought of something, of course, and a smirk appeared on my face.

"So Tom, how's Daisy?" The main reason I asked this was just to see how he would react. And I got a good reaction.

Tom's eyes widened and he didn't say anything. Elizabeth however, turned to Tom confused.

"Who's Daisy?" she asked. Before I could say anything else, Tom beat me to it.

"She's my mother, and she's fine, thank you." Tom replied quickly. The smirk didn't leave my face.

"Okay well, I think it's time to go now. It was nice seeing you two." Tom said while pulling away Elizabeth. Before we both knew it, they were gone.

I turned to Carmine. "Just wait until I tell Karmen." Carmine laughed and we continued to walk.

Who knew going to get groceries could be so

Tom thinks he's slick. Lol. Sorry it's short. Outfit is at the top. :)


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