49. Twitter Pt. 2

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Just when things were getting better and back to normal, Everything came crashing down.

Carter let everything out. And I knew that Haylee was gonna find out about this real quick.

While I responded back to Carters tweets, I texted Haylee.

'To My Queen😍👑💞

We need to talk.

Maybe I should just lie to her and tell her that I have no idea what he's talking about.

While waiting for her reply I dm one of my closest friend, Stephen.

'Stephen I need advice with Maggie. Everyone knows bro.'

Hitting send I realized I sent it to the wrong person.


Letting out a frustrating groan I quickly typed back,

'Oh shit wrong dm.'

Way to go dumbass.

After I sent that, I got a quick response from the person I accidentally sent it to.

Quickly Checking if Haylee texted back I saw that she left me on read.

No. No. No. No. No. Please god. Please tell me she didn't find out.

She probably did you idiot. She left you on read.

'To My Queen😍👑💞

I'm so sorry. Call me?

I'm such a fuck up.

Impatiently waiting for Haylee to call me, I decided to call her myself.

"... Hello?" Her soft calming voice spoke.

"Haylee." I breathed out, trying not to sound so nervous.

"...Hayes. What's going on, on Twitter? All I see is Maggie and Carter. And Johnson tweeting about not putting your business out there. A-and about Maggie sucking your dick." She rambled on.

Fuck. Of course she saw it.

"... Haylee." I sighed, running my hand through my hair, slightly pulling my roots.

I can feel my palms begin to sweat and the thought I've tried so hard to forget wriggles into my mind.

"...This is all just bullshit. Why would Carter involve you? I doubt that it's true." She laughed at she finished her sentence.

Anxiety crashes over me and my every waking thought is consumed with this worry. Soon what was once a seedling of a problem blossoms into a sturdy oak tree of a worry.

Shit, I wish that it wasn't true.

Maybe she won't freak out and break up with me.

Oh fuck. Please don't break up with me.

"that's why I called you." I said as calm as possible speaking soft.

"...w-what?" She stuttered.

Hands were clawing up my throat and choking me letting the words I had practiced over and over again in my mind, be dragged back down my throat and dissolved into the acid of my empty stomach.

"I-i- uh-" I stuttered.

I could hear her heavy breathing on the other line. And I think she can hear my racing heart.

I took a breath and let it out.

I got this.

"Yes, the rumors are true." I finally let the words that could break everything I ever wanted and had with Haylee, out.


I got nothing. Nor heard nothing.

It was silent.

"Are you there?" I asked starting to get worried.

"...I- uh- wha-." She seemed to be struggling with words.

For a minute a heard nothing, then she spoke,"... I'm going to bed."

"Haylee please don't shut yourself out. Are you mad? What are you feeling?" I rushed my words.

"... Shut myself? Really Hayes? I need time to think. You just come out of nowhere telling me that you got your dick sucked, TWICE , by carters ex girlfriend. What the fuck you expect me to do? Act like it doesn't bother me? Act like I'm fine? Like I don't care? Newsflash I fucking care Hayes! I fucking do! And no I'm not 'mad' ", she mimicked my voice, "I'm fucking furious. All I wanna do right now is go to fucking sleep. Alright? Al fucking right. Good fucking night."

And with that she hanged up, not giving me a chance to answer.

As soon as she hanged up, I called back.

But she wouldn't pick up.

I kept calling none stop but I would be met by her voicemail.

Hours passed by and I left countless voicemails and messages.

' To My Queen😍👑💞

I'm so fucking sorry.😪😔. I love you❤️. Goodnight baby girl😔❤️.

Was the last text before I got up and left to some girls party.

Tonight, I shall drink until I can't remember or feel anything.



Okay I lied, this will have another part.

So it's 3 parts.

Love ya💞.

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