19. Surprise!?

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Moving around in bed, I felt the heat of a body.

Slowly opening my eyes, I was greeted by a sleeping Sam. Remembering last night's events.

I gazed at him as he slept. His hair fell across his face and I brushed it off to reveal his sharp, beautiful face. He looked kinder in his sleep.

His breathing deep and relaxed, all the muscles in his face and body were totally at peace, like a baby in its' first throes of slumber and before rem kicked in.

Not a twitch, not a spasm, barely any movement of his chest rising and falling with each intake of air such was the depth of his oblivion.

This was a body totally at peace, at rest, at one with itself, rejuvenating the mind and muscles before the onset of yet another day of turmoil.'

Being careful not to wake him up, I got out of bed and went to get dressed.

Before walking out his room, I turned back around to see his sleeping body starting to turn. Quickly closing the door, I walked towards my car and drove off home.


"HAYLEEEEE!!!!!" Bea yelled as she walked inside my house.

"Shut up." I yelled back.

"NEVERRRR!! I've got lovely news." She said entering my room, and sitting down next to me in bed.

"Go away. You guys totally ditched me last night." I pouted.

"We did not. We couldn't find you, so we assumed you just left us." She defended.

"Well I didn't. But guess what happened."

"Ooh! Tell me. But wait. Let me tell you mine."

I nodded for her to continue.

"Okay, so you know how we went to the party last night? Well, I heard that Hayes didn't show up because he came supposedly to someone's house, but that person wasn't home. So he like waited all night long outside their house, then around 7 left." Bea finished her 'news'

"And your point is?" I asked.

"He was here dumbass. He came for you."

He came for me? He still cares?..

Snap out of it Haylee. You've already agreed on moving on. Plus you really like Sam.

"Okay? Honestly, I wasn't even home plus my phone has been off. So yea." I stated, "now, let me tell you my news."

She nodded,"okay go on."

"Okay, so since you guys left me. I was stuck at the party by myself. But then I met this cute guy.-"

"OH MY GOSH HAYLEE. DID YOU?" She asked raising her voice.

"Oh god no. Let me finish. Anyways, we were hanging out with the other Jack and some of their friends. And turns out, Sam is a really nice guy. So then I stayed the night with him."

"So wait, did you or didn't have sex."

Face palming myself, "no. And you call me a dumbass, dumbass." I chuckled.

Bea giggles, "but what about... Hayes.." she trailed off.

"What about him? I'm over him." I said, trying to convince her. Well, convincing myself really.

"I-but- gosh never mind. Awe! Haylee! This is so cute!!" She squealed hugging me.

Giggling, I hugged her back, "besides, Juliet can keep him. You know how much she talks about him." I stated.

"True. True, speaking of her." She said holding up her phone and a picture of Juliet showed meaning she's calling.

We both laughed and she picked it up.

My mind drifted off to Hayes.

I wonder what's he's feeling when he didn't see me home?

Is he okay?

Where is he now?

"Get ready, we're going to lunch!" Exclaimed Bea interrupting my thoughts.

"With who?" I asked.

"Juliet." She simply stated, "now, get that ass in the shower." She exclaimed.

Laughing I made my way towards the bathroom.


"Oh my god. Stop. I'm going to pee myself." Exclaimed Juliet as she held on to her stomach, which caused us to laugh even harder.

We've been laughing about a story she told us that happened last night.

"Did ya end up having a threesome?" Asked Bea which caused me to burst out Laughing and Juliet run to the bathroom.

"Oh my god. I've never laughed so hard in my life before." I said wiping away tears that had fallen.

"Definitely." Bea did the same thing, then took a sip out of her lemonade.

Minutes later, Juliet came back from the bathroom.

"I hate you guys." She said taking her seat.

"Oh, but you really dont." Bea exclaimed smiling.

"Why can't we order already? We've been waiting for like hours for your 'good' friends to show up, Juliet."

Juliet shifted in her seat, "they said they'll be here soon. They had to clean something up before they came."

I groaned and took a sip out of my Snaple.

"Dude. How can you not get her number?" I heard the familiar laughter.

When the laughing came closer, I turn to Juliet.

"You wouldn't." I raised my eyebrows at her.

I turned around and was met by the big bright blue eyes.

Looking next to him, I was met by the familiar hazel ones from last night.

"Surprise!?" She shrugged and smiled.



«if you know this song, bless you. & ily even more»

Another Update? Omff. I'm on a row. Holy crap, I read a book. Like an actual book. The ones from the school library. And I got it today and finished it just a few minutes ago. & Let me tell you, IT WAS AMAZING.



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