15. Woodland Hills

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Woodland Hills.

Walking through the woodland hills was amazing.

There's saplings, growing in patches of sunlight, filtering down through the canopy. Fallen logs, possibly with red capped mushrooms growing on them.

There's more to a woodland than seeing the wood for the trees. There's birds. Loads of birds. The wind blows and rustles leaves.

I felt a peaceful feeling overtaking me and my spirit seemed to soar from within me just like the eagles circling boldly over the mountain crest. Forgetting about the real world.

I stood there quietly and stared at the wondrous mountains for what seemed like hours before making way to the nearby forest.

Sitting down by a small stream,the rhythm of the stream was enough to get lost in.

I found my thoughts drifting as I watched the twinkling crystals flow by. Glimpsing such perfection I began to dwell on the enigma that is life and released several sighs of confusion but also complete and utter bliss.

Time quickly flew by, before my mind could register the fact that the once golden forest had now taken on a sombre air. I began to feel the wind lift my hair, caress my face.

The once loud and energetic birds had all grown silent, and the entire place felt deserted without their presence. The rain came suddenly each drop a symphony of sound and fell down soft and warm on the ground.

Before I knew it, I was completely drenched.

The sun had slowly began sinking down below the horizon, fading in a fiery display of what seemed like heated glory, the world was plunged into shadowy twilight.

Gracefully the moon rose high into the velvety night with its silver glimmer.


It's almost 6 am and I can't fall asleep.

I arrived home around 4 am and since then I couldn't sleep. All I was doing was just drowning in my tears of misery.

The invents that happened earlier, kept repeating in my mind.

Woodland Hills is the only place that helps me forget about my problems and practically life.

As I looked out my window, I watched as the large glowing sphere rose slowly into the dull morning sky. Casting sunbeams in every direction while it illuminated the small town. I stared out the glass panes as the colors made by the rising sun changed, growing more vivid with the passing time.

Making the sky more radiant as it climbed higher and higher into the sky. But as beautiful as the morning was I knew today would be horrible.


Walking slowly into school, I immediately spotted those bright blue eyes that kept me up at night.

He immediately made eye contact with me, and started walking towards me with a huge smile.

As soon as he came closer his smile faded.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Nothing." I blankly stated.

"I've been calling you all day yesterday." He informed.

I had my phone off. Oops.

I looked at the ground trying to avoid eye contact.

"Why haven't you answer." Hayes asked.

What is up with him asking me so many questions. Is not like he's my mother or father.

Just imagine him with boobs.

"Maybe because my phone was off." I said through gritted teeth,

"Look, I would love to stay and chat, but I've got things to do." I pushed past him walking towards my locker.

"Haylee. What's up with you?" He asked sounding frustrated, following behind me.

"Go away."

I fiddled with the lock on my locker until it opened.

"Hay-.." Hayes was interrupted by the bell meaning first period class has started.

While I was getting my stuff from the locker, the voice that I thought left, spoke.

"What did I do know?" He spoke, I could tell his patience was wearing thin.

"I thought you left." I avoided his question.

"Well I didn't."

"Well you should, You're going to be late." I stated closing my locker.

"What the hell is your problem." He raised his voice throwing his hands up in the air.

"You know what? You're my problem!!!" I started raising my voice.

We were now facing each other.

"What do you mean I'm you're problem? I didn't do shit!" He yelled.

Is he serious right now. Does he think I'm an idiot?

"I don't have time for this." I breath out walking away from him.

"Don't fucking walk away from your problems!!" He yelled. Ironic.

"Go fuck yourself." I yelled back and continued walking to class.

Before turning around the corner, I saw Hayes running his hands through his hair and talking to a teacher that came out a classroom.




Aye updated ;) 300+ reads ?1?1?1!1!1!!1!!!!! Omff you don't know how much I'm fangirling. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOUUU

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