3. Maybe I'm Over Reacting.

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Ignoring the fact that Hayes said I look hot, and that I always do....

Wait. So he's always checking me out. Or ?

Snapping out, I really needed to pee.

So walking upstairs I tried finding a bathroom.

Walking into so many rooms, which contained people practically eating each other's faces.

I walked into a room with band posters, star wars posters, and football team posters all over the cream coloured walls.

& where nobody was trying to eat each others faces or ripping each others clothes.

The bed was neatly made. It had a plain comforter which was coloured dark blue.

The desk to the right had stacks of papers thrown about on top of it. And the trash bin was overflowing with crumbled papers.

The dresser wasn't as neat. Cologne bottles, deodorant, hair products, and at least 4 empty cans of soda were all scarred. Plus gum rappers and what not.

Walking over to the night stand, there were lamps on each one. & a phone speaker.

Looking at the pictures, I saw Hayes and three other guys. One looked just like him. Probably is his brother. The other picture was a picture of him and his family.

I picked up the picture and observed it. He looks happy. Not that he never doesn't.

"I remember that day." I was startled by Someone who spoke.

Turning around I was faced by the blue eyes once again. He was leaning on the doorframe.

"It was probably one of the best day of my life." He spoke looking at the picture frame I held in my hand.

Smiling I said, "Jesus. You scared me." I spoke While I placed the picture were it belongs.

I received a chuckle from Hayes, then he said, "Most people call me Hayes, but Jesus is fine too." He smirked.

Biting my bottom lip, I questioned "what happened?"

"Well, it was the first ever clothing line that my brother, two of our good friends and I was released in Aeropostale."

"Ohhh. So that explains why I didn't see you around in school."

Shit. Keep it together.

"Ohh, so you stalk me." He smirked raising his eyebrows.

"Uhh, no. It's when they do the attendance and stuff." I tried hiding the smile.

"Mhm right."He said walking towards me.

Looking down, I stated, "maybe I should go. It's getting late. Plus. I have umm. This thing tomorrow."

Really. This thing. Way to go.

Pulling out his Phone, he said, "It's only.... what 12:30 am." Then he placed it back in his pockets.

"Uhh exactly, I'm going to go look for B-Bea." I stuttered.

Stepping closer to me, he placed a strand of hair behind my ear. And whispered,

"I'm pretty sure she's doing fine. She's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

"I- uh-" I stumbled looking for words.

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" Hayes suddenly asks.


C'mon keep it together. Stop stuttering. I thought to myself.

"Just asking." He smiled, then looked at my lips and looked back into my eyes.

Leaning in, he placed his hand on the side of my face and rubbed it with his thumb.

"Can I?" He questioned.

My mind starting racing with thoughts. And before I can process what is about to happen, I nodded my head.

Closing the space between us, he connected his lips with mine.

His warm lips felt like home with its warmth and softness.

He kissed with so much intensity, and I swear, I almost saw angels.

His mouth tasted a mix of mint and a little bit of coke.

I felt him lower his hand to my waste and he pulled me closer. That's when I panicked.

Pushing him away, I looked at his confused face, then down at his red lips.

"I-I h-have to go." I stated moving away from him and walking out of the room, Before he had to chance to answer.

"Hey, have you seen Hayes? I really need to talk to him." Kira appeared in front of me while I was walking down the stairs.

"Uhh. No." I said and kept walking.

"Well okay thanks anyway." She yelled after me.

Hurrying to get out of here, I looked everywhere for Bea.

Giving up, I got in the car, and drove home.


The next morning, Saturday, I tried to replay the events that happened the night before.

My thoughts were eating me alive. I didn't even get enough sleep.


Saturday and Sunday consisted of me ignoring Bea calls, and an odd number that kept calling. Also watching rerun episodes of Teen wolf , while eating everything and anything, and listening to Taylor Swift.

To be honest, I don't know why I felt depressed. We weren't even going out. & it was just one simple kiss. Well, a kiss that I had been dying to get. But he doesn't know that.

Hell, I don't even want him to know that. I don't even know why I freaked out when he pulled me closer to him.

I don't even know anything anymore.

My phone rang for the thousandth times today and I decided to pick it up.

"... Thank god you picked up. I thought I was going to have to show up at your house and beg for forgiveness." The familiar voice that i was trying to forget about said.

"Hayes? How the hell did you get my number?"

"..uh I may have asked Bea for it on Friday night. Since you left without a word or a goodbye."

"I-I uh. Sorry about that. I just needed to get some fresh air." It's true. I needed air. And I needed to get away from him. I don't even know why either.

"... no, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have kissed you. It was dumb of me. I guess I was just caught up in the moment-.."

"No it's fine, I allowed you to kiss me. I just freaked out. But it's fine thanks for calling. Bye." I interrupted him.

"..Haylee wai-.." and the line went dead. Well I hanged up.

Maybe I'm over reacting. Or maybe I'm not.

Adding his number to my contacts, I shut off my phone and continued watching tv.

I figured he's probably going to keep trying to call me, and I didn't want to be interrupted.

But I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning. I'll probably just pretend to be sick. Or stay home since most of the time my mom is working.

Plus my brothers are visiting my dad. So I won't get in trouble or anything.

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