51. Fucking FuckBoys.

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A/n: *stabs myself in the eyes.* *lays on the middle of the street* *barfs* // not edited bc it's 4 am I'm tired af and I want this to be up. Like NOW.


Haylee pov

I felt disgusted and ashamed of myself.

I'm never good enough for anyone.

I will never be good enough.

It had been little over a week since I talked to Hayes and he's been calling none stop, texting and leaving voicemails.

During this week I haven't done anything but cry. I refuse to eat. And I refuse to leave my bed.

Besides to pee and shower of course.

My mom would try to get me to talk to her about what's going on, but she gave up.

Just like everyone.

As I went to check my phone, I notice that I had about 10 miss calls, 2 being from Bea.

Calling her, she immediately picked up on the first ring.

"...Hey." She sniffled.

And immediately I knew that she had been crying like I've been.

"What's wrong?" I choked out.

She didn't say anything.

Before I knew it, she started sobbing on the other line. And I couldn't help but sob with her.

"... I hate him so much Haylee! I fucking do!"

"Hayes is such a fucking dick."

"...I'm coming over, I'm bringing a tub of chocolate ice cream and cookies n' cream. And we can both sob and rant about how guys are all fucking dicks." She sniffled then hanged up not waiting for my answer.

Before I knew it, Bea barges into my room with a grocery bag. Dropping it afterwards.

Her nose was read and her eyes were bloodshot red and puffy giving away that she had been crying.

She engulfs me in a hug and I rock her from side to side. My bottom lip quivers slightly and I start to ball as she does as well.

"Haylee. Ja- jack- he has been cheating on me." She choked.

I couldn't help but cry harder. I had been so caught up on Hayes I haven't even been able to talk to Bea. And to find out that she's hurting a thousand times worse then I am, breaks my already broken heart into tiny billion of pieces.

"I'm so sorry." I hug her tighter.

"You wanna know the worst part? He's been dating her for a year. And I-i-i was so fucking stupid to notice."

"He dated her since she was 15. 15 for godsake! But now since Madison's 16 it's fine. Perfectly fine! A 16 year old and almost a 19 year old dating." She laughed wiping her nose with the sleeve of her sweater.

"Wait? Madison? Like as in Madison beer?" I asked in confusion.

"Yeah. Thotison beershit. As the fans call her." She rolled her eyes.

"It's funny if you think about it." She added. Looking at me with her red puffy eyes.

I let out a small laugh, "them going out? No, it really isn't. It's very fucking weird. But the name. I fucking love it."

"Yea I guess you're right." She sighed laying down on my bed.

"I just don't get why? Like why cheat? Why date a 16 year-old-girl? Why lie? You know what he told Johnson? He had the nerve to tell Johnson that youngins' do it better. Like what the fuck?"

I scrunched my nose in disgust, but burst into laughter, "wait, she's been with like most of his friends. So in reality, she's a Thot just using him for his fame. But you see, Gilinsky's eyebrows are too bushy that he doesn't seem to see what's going on. Or maybe he's so far up her butt padded ass. But Soon, she's gonna break his little heart, and he'll come crying to you. Asking for forgiveness. And you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna lift your middle finger and say 'Fuck you asshole.' Besides, I bet he's with her cos of her boobs. But who knows."

Bea looked at me for a split second, then started laughing hysterically, "oh my god. I love you so much."

"Yea, yea, I love me too, now can you pass me the ice cream? I'm hungry."

She shook her head and handed me the tub of ice cream.

"Here you go." She handed me a plastic spoon.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "well I know you were gonna be too lazy to get spoons and I sure in hell wasn't going to get them, so I just brought 2 plastic spoons from my house." She weakly smiled.

"You know me too well." I smiled back.

"Duh. I am your best friend after all."

We were both eating ice cream sitting on my bed, with our back against the head board.

"Why didn't you tell me about the whole Hayes thing?" She suddenly asked, "and why didn't you tell me that you guys are dating. Well I don't know if you guys still are."

My eyes widen, "I-I- I don't know. And I don't think we are. I kinda broke it off."

How does she even kn-

"He called me asking if I have spoken to you, and I also read about the whole Maggie and Carter crap on Twitter. And may I add, Carter has a small Pepe."

We both looked at each other and started laughing, "please don't talk about his small rice. Thank you. And I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure if I was ready to talk about it."

"Well bitch you're gonna talk about it."

"Well damn."

"Tell me everything that went down!"

I nodded, and explained from when he asked me out, to when I found out about the whole situation and when we ended up arguing, and up to where I saw the picture of him leaving a party with a girl holding hands.

"Well fuck. That's a lot of shit to take in."

"You're telling me."

"Maybe Hayes wasn't ready to tell you about what had happened. Maybe you over reacted. I mean I would have over reacted too. Because shit, I would have gone crazy. I think he didn't tell you cause he was preventing for something like this to not happen. But I also think that he should have told you because either way, you were gonna find out. You feel me?"

I sighed, "true. I just need space from him for a bit. I need to just try to get my shit together."

"Aren't we all."

There was a silence, but a good comforting silence.

"Fucking FuckBoys." I mumbled shoving a spoon of ice cream into my mouth.


1. I literally wanted to jump off a cliff when I was looking for a picture of jadison to use. Like ew wtf i wanted to barf. Jadison is just like Haylor. It's all gonna be over soon. Just gotta keep my chill bc I swear, Madison makes me want to jump off a goddamn cliff.


3.ALSO! Roll em' up is so dumb but catchy. Lmao, like they should Have named the song "short shorts." Cos that's what it's all saying. But Johnson looked 👅😍💦💦🔥. But if you love the song, that's cool too. Lol.

•Have you guys started school? I start on sept 8.

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