27. Goodbye To You Too Asshole.

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"Hayes asked Juliet out?"

"How did you know." I questioned.

"Well for starters, the whole school knows, and I ran into Juliet and I asked her why is she so happy. And she told me."

"Ohh. Well, that's nice I guess." I shifted in my seat.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just asked me one." I smiled.

"No, not funny." She rolled her eyes, "anyways, do you still you know, love Hayes." She emphasized.

"No. Why would you think that." I said trying to convinced her. Well, more like myself, "I'm very happy with Sam. And you know that."

"I was just asking, just making sure you're okay with Juliet and Hayes. Plus I know you are, but I was just curious." She rambled on.

"Bea, at this point, Hayes can fuck Juliet and I wouldn't give two shits." I lied, of course I'll care. The thought of Juliet touching him in that kind of way, made me sick.

"And I'm totally okay. Because it's his life not mine. Plus I have more important things to worry about. Like for example, your birthday is coming up next week." I winked at her and hit her arms playfully trying to change the subject.

"Oh my god. I actually thought you forget." She giggled.

"Forget? Are you okay? Did you hit your head too hard? Did Jack fuck you so hard it messed up your brain?" I smirked.

"Haylee!!!! Can you no-" Bea was cut off by  Mr.Format,

"Okay class. So today, I've paired you up partners."

I looked over to Bea and she was already looking at me smiling.

Mr.Format read from his list the the partners.

"Bea and Dave.

And last but not least Haylee and Hayes."

Fuck me side ways!!!!!!!

Bea looked over at me and mouth,

"Good luck." And gave me a small smile

Returning the smile, I pretend to look back and catched a glimpse of Hayes who was already staring at me.

Great. Just great.

"By the end of class, you guys should have at least 5-7 sentence of anything both of you agree on."

This should be easy.

Getting up, I sat next to him.

It was awkward I guess you can say. Breaking the silence I spoke up,

"So what is someth-"

"Why?" Hayes cut me off.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Yes. Why? Why him?" He questioned.

"Why him? What do you mean? What are you even talking about?" I knew he was talking about Sammy, but I tried acting stupid.

"Why Samuel? Why him?"

"That's none of your business." I simply stated.

"None of my business? Everything you do is my business." He was now facing me, and his eyes grew darker.

"No Hayes, it really isn't."

"It really is though."

"Answer this, why Juliet? Why her? Why couldn't you go for Kira?"

"That's none of your business." He repeated my previous answer.

"You're pathetic." I scowled.

"I'm pathetic? I'm pathetic? Really Haylee? You wanna play that game?"

"We're done with this conversation." I started getting frustrated.

Hayes stood quite and just glared at me,

his nostrils flaring, eyes flashing and closing into slits. If looks could kill.

Shifting uncomfortable in my seat, I gazed at the clock on the wall, and realize that class was about to be over.

I quickly scribbled anything down. When I was writing the period on the last sentence, the bell had rang.

Hayes stormed out the room, being the first one out.

Well goodbye to you too. Asshole.

"What was that all about?" Bea questioned as she met me by the door.

"I don't even know, nor care." I gripped on my binder, "see you after school."

She nodded and I headed towards my next class.


Happy New Years!! 2k15!!

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