37. Sleeping

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I must have fallen asleep because I Felt the heat from someone's body, even if we don't touch.

Hearing the small sounds that announce their presence - breathing, and the creak of springs as they turn over.

Smelling the familiar cologne, I immediately knew who it was.

I smiled at the sight of the peaceful body sleeping next to me.

There wasn't light shining through the curtains, mean it's probably late out.

There goes Lunch.

"Quit staring." The figured smiled lazily.

"I can't help it. You look so cute when you sleep." I smiled.

He wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer to his body, " but you look cuter when you sleep."

I blushed, "what happened to our lunch date?" I questioned.

"Well, after I came home, Hayes told me that you were upstairs. When I came upstairs, I saw you sleeping peacefully and beautifully. So I just kinda laid down and fell asleep."

my mouth shaped an 'O' & he nodded.

"I don't want you to leave" I pouted.

"I don't want to leave you." he sighed.

i snuggled into him, "Can we cuddled."

He chuckled, "don't you want to get food first?"


"well that's a first."

"shut up" i slapped his chest.

"ow!" he rubbed his chest, "that hurt." he whined pouting then laughed afterwards.

"Pussy." I giggled.


(A/N: Don't you just love the feeling when u shave your legs 1?!?2?2?!!!! Bc like ahfkeowurjw it's so Soffttttt!!!! & smooth! Like shawn come rub my legs.)

I wrote half of this last week during my career class. Shit was boring af. But Cheerleading tryouts are tomorrow. And I'm scared af man. Like what if I do Something wrong?1?1?2!! JSKWSHS WISH ME LUCK?1?1?!!!

Don't forget to do all that good stuff.

Love yaa! :)

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