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chapter 4; beep beep beep

The next morning felt alright actually. I was sitting and eating breakfast with Miss HoodㅡI still have problems with calling her Joyㅡwhile listening to what I have to do for this day.

''So honey, I will have to go to work now but I count on you that you will send that little freak to school safely. He starts at eight am and ends at three pm. Come for him after school please, he always have tendency to wander around and comes home late. Just teach him right manners.''

''Sure, Joy, I won't disappoint you,'' I smiled back at her. When she was gone, I started preparing breakfast for that idiot.

Our yesterday conversation was still laying in my stomach, making strange feeling inside. That kiddo was still in high school and he was trying to hit on me? No, pretty thanks.

Where is he anyway? I thought as I looked at the clock, which says 7:40 and I was already done with him. What the fuck he thinks, that he can slept in just because there is no one to kick his butt now? I volunteer to do that.

I left his breakfast on the table and went upstairs to wake him up. I wanted to be super harsh at first and make him suffer, but then I remembered that I am supposed to be his loving babysitter and willy-nilly, I gently knocked on his door. And I get answer really soon, but not that one I wanted to hear.

''If you are a ghost or some shit please fuck off, I am too tired for this,'' he shouted and I could hear him yawn. Not like that, baby boy.

I kicked to his door and with screaming 'Beep Beep Beep' loudly, pretending to be alarm clock, I went to his bed. I took his blanket off, not caring about how he was only in Ninja Turtles boxers or how hurt he looked when I yelled into his ear.

''Hey, you!'' He yelled back at me, making me shut up for now. ''I remember we made some rules yesterday, didn't we?'' He glared at me, then cheeky smile appeard on his face that you could clearly see that flashbulb above his head, with some stupid idea growing inside.

''What?'' I asked him because this was just making me want to punch him to stop smiling like that.

''You know,'' he stood up, ''suddenly, I got craving for some pancakes.''

''I already made you eggs andㅡwhat the fuck?!'' I yelled as he took blanket from my hands, pushed me to bed and started wrapping me in it. Then he threw me, human pancake now, over his shoulder and took me outside from his room, letting go of me then. When my ass met the floor and pain ran through my body, I gave him that killer look. ''What do you think you are doing?!''

''Sorry, babe, I have to change now, and due to yesterday, I think you are not ready to see my penis yet.'' Then I heard him lock the door.

× × ×

It was mainly me who was talking while he was enjoying his breakfast. For the first time here he made me happy because he was still saying how good it is all over again even when I don't know how is that even possible. I mean, dude, it's just eggs and bacon, no big deal.

I was telling him all the details about today I got from his mom, but he was barely listening. Then he just cut me off by saying: ''Hey, greenbean, don't you feel bad?''

''Why should I?''

''Because it's your family I am eating right now, cause you are such a pig. I couldn't sleep whole night because of your snoring.''

''I neverㅡshut up and finish it already! School starts in few minutes, how can you make it? I will have so much trouble..''

''I got it babe,'' he winked at me as he took his backpack.

''By the way, you were nice pancake. I want to eat you so bad some time, if you know what I mean,'' he winked for the second time and I spitted my water on him. He looked pretty shocked, good for him.

''Just wait,'' I smiled cunningly after that, ''I will get revenge sooner that you can think.''

''Whatever,'' he just waved at me and left.

At that time, even I haven't got an idea how soon it will be, when I got a call from his school three hours later that I have to go for him, since he is feeling sick. Oh man, who would ever believe that?

Then I got an idea. The teacher said he will be in normal class, so there will be other friends..

Dear Calum, how would it feel when everyone found out you have a babysitter?


Hi guys! I am back from Germany finally so I could update

Thank you so much for your votes and comments it means a lot for me xx

Bye for now


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